ISIS rejects MEK claims on Iran pursuing nuclear weapons

The Institute for Science and International Security says a new report on Iran’s nuclear activities by the dissident National Resistance Council of Iran, a branch of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, should be regarded with skepticism.

Reuters reports that in a six-page report, the PMOI says that Iran is actively trying to build a nuclear bomb, having hired 60 engineers and scientists.

“We have to be extremely skeptical of whatever [the NRCI] says,” said David Albright, the head of ISIS. “[They are] an activist group with a huge incentive to say there is a nuclear weapons program that is making great progress.”

The PMOI is a dissident Iranian group that has been actively fighting against the Islamic Republic since it was established after the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

Albright added that available evidence shows that Iran “doesn’t have a structured, coherent, active nuclear weapons program.”

Iran has continuously maintained that it has no ambition to develop nuclear weapons and insists that its nuclear activities are all peaceful.

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