Has France become a haven for the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq?

Letter from Aria Iran to the French Minister of Justice

Dear Madam Minister,

We, the victims of the Rajavi cult demand that Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, Mehdi Abrishamchi, Seyed Mohammad Mohaddessin and other leaders of this organization based in Auvers sur Oise be tried in court. Maryam and Massoud Rajavi, Mehdi Abrishamchi, Seyed Mohammad Mohaddessin and other leaders of the PMOI based in Auvers sur Oise terrorists are terrorist plotters. They have committed many crimes in Iran and Iraq. The time has come for them to be brought to court and answer for the crimes they committed against Iranians and Iraqi Kurds.

The PMOI claims to be the opposition of Iran but has no popular support in Iran. Do you know that the Iranians recognize this organization as a terrorist cult and despise it?

Each of the PMOI leaders, currently resident in Auvers sur Oise, have caused the murders of 400 innocent people through the use of bomb explosions. The Iranian Mojahedin exploit French and European democracy to manipulate public opinion. Is it right that a group of criminal terrorists coexists along with French citizenry?

Maryam Rajavi and other leaders of the PMOI have personally participated in assassinations and terrorist operations. Look at their pictures. Today in their modern clothes they boast they are supporters of democracy and thereby manipulate others.

Commanders and members of the PMOI, located in Auvers sur Oise, are included on the blacklist of Canada, the USA and Australia. How come these people are free in France even though they are planning terrorist operations against Iranians?

The U.S. State Department and Human Rights Watch reported that the Rajavi cult mistreated dissidents. The PMOI has imprisoned, tortured and murdered dissidents in its camps. The Mojahedin-e Khalq organization held meetings in France claiming to be the democratic opposition against Iran. You know that most participants of their rallies are not Iranian and they come in exchange for some money and free travel tickets. How can a terrorist organization have so much money?

Some politicians have TAKEN PART in the international meetings of Maryam Rajavi. The international media revealed that these characters received from 40,000 to 160,000 dollars for every speech they made in favour of this organization. Where does the PMOI get this money? Are you aware that these characters are being prosecuted by U.S. courts?

Maryam and Massoud Rajavi, Mehdi Abrishamchi, Seyed Mohammad Mohaddessin and other PMOI leaders based in Auvers sur Oise formed a very dangerous terrorist cult. Under the order of the leaders of this organization, on 17 and 19 June 2003, more than 20 members of the PMOI set themselves on fire in the public streets of France and Europe. Why does the French justice system not achieve something in this issue?

Why are these terrorists not brought to justice? With their financial means they are able to threaten and stifle their opponents.

We, the victims of the Rajavi cult, demand that Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, Mehdi Abrishamchi, Seyed Mohammad Mohaddessin and other leaders of this organization based in Auvers sur Oise be tried in a court of law. France must show its resolve in the fight against terrorism and foreign threats.

Letter signed by;
Victims and former members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq.

Letter sent to:
Christiane Taubira-Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals
The Elysee
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Manuel Valls, the Minister of the Interior

Translated by Iran Interlink

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