Beware of Violence Provocation by Mojahedin Khalq

Mr. Kobler is providing an advance warning of MKO’s potentiality in provoking and waging violence

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Mr. Martin Kobler, has recently expressed his concern about the delay in the relocation of the residents of Camp New Iraq (Ashraf) to the Temporary Transit Location TTL. The relocation process has been stalled since the arrival of the fifth group of residents on 5 May. But it is not the delay and prolongation of the transfer that frets. What is really disturbing Mr. Kobler is a possible eruption of violence;

“I urge the remaining residents of Camp Ashraf to relocate to Camp Hurriya without delay. The relocation process should not be stalled. I am concerned that there will be violence if the relocation doesn’t recommence. Any violence would be unacceptable. I call on the Government of Iraq to avoid any forceful relocation. Each relocation must be voluntary. The United Nations supports only a peaceful, humanitarian solution and stands ready to facilitate.”

Mr. Kobler has a well understanding of the concerned sides, the Iraqi government and MKO, when he expresses his concern. The Iraqi government is ultimately decisive to close Camp Ashraf and expel the members of the designated terrorist group to the last one. It is a constitutional right for the state and the nation to be accomplished. But the other side is a cult with an ideology rooted in violence. MKO has no appreciation for art of peace and has never developed any skill in the field. In fact, the term peace and its derivations are unknown to it and the group has no definition for them in its literature. But when it comes to talk about blood, war, violence and the like, it is an unbeaten interpreter.

Obviously enough, except MKO, the UN, Iraqi government and all concerned bodies will to find a peaceful solution to the problem. It has been, from the very beginning, the antagonist side and the main impediment to the process of relocation. While there are hundreds of insiders with special needs, suffering from disabilities and serious medical conditions among the residents both in Ashraf and TTL, and of course it must be a responsibility on MKO to care about its members and follow a peaceful, humanitarian solution, not only it prevents the process but also threatens to stand ready for any violent confrontation.

Mr. Kobler’s words are a warning; he is sounding the alarm that MKO is already prepared for any violence. It is not a rough, personal calculation but based on facts. He is conscious of Rajavi’s instructions given to residents in his message delivered on May 23. In his message, Rajavi repeatedly calls the remainders of the group at Camp Ashraf the devoted warriors who have to be determined in repelling any resolution inconsistent with group’s demands:

“That would be better if they [the UN and Iraqi government] come in a peaceful fashion and accept the minimum human rights. Otherwise, if they resort to craft and deceptive words, do not grieve; go forward as God suffices you, He is the One Who helps you with that of the believers. … Then, do not be scared of the battle you have to confront, strike. Strike and go forward with confidence. … I want others to know, friends and foes, that today, the power of one thousand Mojahed is beyond that of the regime’s nuclear power they have gathered here in Iraq to negotiate about.“

Mr. Kobler is providing an advance warning of the group’s potentiality in provoking and waging violence. Unless precautionary measures are taken by the UN and the Iraqi government, there might be another human tragedy as occurred in two previous violence provocations by MKO.

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