Paris Court hearing of Maryam Rajavi – Anti-terrorism demonstration

French Judges summoned the commanders of the Mojahedin to the courthouse to ask for explanations of the PMOI leaders on the issue of June 17, 2003 and other terrorist acts carried out by this organization on French territory and also in other European countries.

During the demonstration, Iranian and French citizens clearly displayed their dissatisfaction with the presence of terrorism in France. The event took place under the protection of the French police and in spite of the presence of a large number of Rajavi’s agents lurking around the demonstrators. Demonstrators holding the Iranian flag and with flyers in hand shouted”Rajavi is a terrorist”and demanded the expulsion of the dangerous cult from France.

The event attracted the attention of French citizens and raised many questions in the minds of the French. Passers- by asked for leaflets and posed the question, ‘how are these terrorists allowed to stay in France?’ They also wanted the court punish these terrorists and expel them from their territory. France is not the refuge of terrorism.

The event ended with the moral support of the French citizens present at the scene as Maryam Rajavi went to court to answer questions by French judges.

The second part of this protest was held in a conference room in Paris where protesters held a major debate on the issue of foreign terrorism in France and Europe. During this meeting, which lasted two hours, the speakers, themselves victims of the Rajavi cult, shared painful experiences of their lives within the cult. In this debate, the victims of Rajavi presented their condolences and sorrow over the death of Mr. Hadi Shams Haeri, an activist and former member of the PMOI, and also for the death of the father of Mr. Alireza Nassrollahi.

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