Pay attention to the deceptive policies of MEK in France

Open letter of Iran Pen Club to the authorities and responsible officials in France

According to the news which has been received from Iranian refugee camps in Europe, we got informed that people’s mujahedin organization intends on 23 of June ,2012 to organize a ceremony in the Villepinte Village in France. For informing the public opinion we draw your attention to the following subjects:

1. According to the organizing of this ceremony in 30 Khordad ( 23 June) which is the anniversary of the beginning of the huge explosions and blind terrors in Iran , proves that the leaders of pmoi ,Massoud Rajavi as the leader of National Council of Resistance (NCR) and Maryam Ghajar Azdanlo as the third wife of Massoud Rajavi and forcible and imposed president of this council (NCR) in Paris , support the blind terrors as well as the suicide operation in 1981 in Iran which caused panic and public fear and this flow falsely claims through its lawyers in the law courts that they have rejected the arm struggle.

2. The people’s mujahedin organization for deceiving the public opinion and for organizing this ceremony utilize the non Iranian people by paying their transportation fee as well as 3 days trip in Paris with hotel and …………etc , tries its best to show their sham popularity among Iranian people by the presence of those non Iranian people in this ceremony in Villepinte in France. This method has been used many times by this organization in the past and fortunately this fake method has been revealed by news agencies .

3. In circumstances that pmoi with its presence on Iraqi soil as the enemy of Iranian people and as Saddam Hussein’s Persian language mercenaries has been known and recognized since 30 years ago and as the fifth column of Saddam Hussein Army , they have killed many Iranian soldiers and people ,and as a result of that they are very unpopular among Iranian people.

4. This organization tries its best in this ceremony to pay 100000 dollars just for 10 minute speech to draw the attention of the retired politicians to support pmoi and they utilize this method to deceive the public opinion .

5. According to the recent statement of an American responsible official ,Mr. Henry Wooster Deputy Director of the Office of Iranian Affairs in the US state department ,about pmoi terrorist group ¨ ……… one of the problems which we have with mujahedin khalgh (PMOI) is that in our opinion they can not be as a representative of a democratic reformist movement in Iran……….¨ it seems that making supporting policies with the price of dollar has been defeated heavily and this issue has begotten a severe passivity in pmoi leadership and their hopes for going forward in gaining the supporting policies of US has failed .

6. According to the facts mentioned above , we would like to inform you respectfully that in confronting with the representatives of this espionage organization (pmoi) you should be very careful not to involve yourself in their policies which work like trap and ambush. They are not a democratic alternative for the future of Iran and any support of this organization is condemned and rejected by Iranian people .

The Iran pen club comprises of the victims and deceived people from this violent and dangerous religious cult , according to its humanitarian policies submit this letter to you and surely we declare that we are ready to inform you about this organization and also we declare that we are ready to participate in face to face meeting with you with credible documents to inform you more about the real essence and the content of mujahedin’s cult .

ran Pen Club

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