5000 rent-a-crowd audience gathered in Villepinte for Rajavi’s speech

5000 rent-a-crowd audience gathered in Villepinte for Maryam Rajavi’s speech as head of the Mojahedin Khalq terrorist cult

On the afternoon of 23 June, 2012, Maryam Rajavi will speak in front of a group of foreign nationals most of whom have been paid to attend a salon in Villepinte in the north of Paris.

Rajavi’s gathering takes place every year to commemorate and glorify the start of the MEK’s terrorist campaign in Iran 31 years ago. The MEK’s HQ is in Auvers-sur-Oise in the Val-d’Oise, north of Paris. This year the coordinating entity has been named "the Committee to Support Human Rights in Iran"; a front name created by the MEK.

The Rajavi cult has spent millions of Euros over the last few months through its agents in order to hire the necessary crowd. The deception, carried out under a variety of front organizations claiming to be charities helping foreign people in need, included offers of sightseeing and tourism in France in exchange for attendance at the rally.

All these organizations have been created by the MEK and are in direct contact with the HQ of the Mojahedin Khalq in Auvers-sur-Oise and all are supervised directly by Maryam Rajavi, Saleh Rajavi (brother of Massoud Rajavi the fugitive cult leader), Mehdi Abrishamchi (first husband of Maryam Rajavi), Mohammad Seyed al Mohaddesin and Abolghasem Rezaee (the latter three are on the list of wanted persons in Iraq for alleged involvement in torture and executions while working for Saddam Hussein’s secret services) as well as other known commanders of Saddam’s Private Army who are now spread across the world. They are active in Europe, North America and some African and Middle Eastern countries, paying out and spending huge amounts of money to gather together as many people as they can for Maryam Rajavi’s performance in Paris as proof for the media of their claim to be "the only alternative".

The people hired are invited and brought to Paris with the promise of sightseeing and visits to historical places by the Mojahedin Khalq Organization which is classed as a terrorist group by several countries including the USA. The Mojahedin Khalq are the only source of all the expenses in this project. As police in western countries are investigating the financial crimes of the group, the Mojahedin Khalq have created over 50 committees and organizations and distribute the money through them so that there would be very little trace of these transactions.

According to some of the people involved directly with this project, there will be around 3,000 political refugees and asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Arabic countries and Kurds as well as people from Poland and other European countries. Around 200 hired speakers from speaking agencies in Europe and North America have been paid to attend the meeting. The retied personalities have charged between 40K to 150K dollars for attending and/or speaking in support of the terrorist group. Their main theme will be the MEK demand to be removed from the American list of terrorist groups and to pressure the Iraqi government to allow the terrorist camp of Saddam’s era not to be dismantled, although the State Department statement on June 18 advising them to leave the camp ASAP clearly shows that their efforts in this respect have already proven futile and no one is expecting this show to change the realities on the ground. The group obviously has an internal reason to put this show on: to keep the members deluded that they may have some support from the west.

High ranking State Department officials briefed on 19th June 2012 that the Mojahedin are deluded about the court case and do not see the fact that the court ruling has no effect on keeping on or removing the group from the list.

CNN reported that "a senior administration official … said that MEK may also have "over-interpreted" Iraqi politics and the possibility of a no-confidence vote against Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki as a reason to cease cooperating in the eventual closure of Camp Ashraf.

"We believe the MEK may indeed calculate that a change of government in Iraq could rebound to their advantage, and they may be able – and they might be able to stay," the second official told reporters. MEK are "gravely mistaken" to think any Iraqi government "would, in fact, allow them to remain as a paramilitary organization in Iraq," the official said. "We think that their time in Iraq is over."

Some information about the Villepinte salon

Maryam Rajavi will appear in front of her rented crowd in Salon B5

Salon B5 is one of many in Villepinte

Salon B5 has a maximum area of 27,000 square metres

The maximum capacity of salon B5 is 10,000 people standing

Maryam Rajavi and her lieutenants and MEK commanders have already agreed to publicize the number of participants as 100,000 people – 10,000 more than last year. Statements have been pre-written and advertisements paid for in advance in a variety of western newspapers and media. On the afternoon of Saturday 23rd June you will come across Mojahedin Khalq propaganda material claiming that over 100,000 Iranians from five continents gathered in a massive meeting with Maryam Rajavi to give her their support.

We leave you to judge for yourselves.

Translated by Iran Interlink

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