MEK behind second violent incident in Europe in a month

Attacker of Iranian diplomat in Frankfurt linked to Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) terror group

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi told reporters that one of the Iranian consular members in Frankfurt had been attacked by an African woman on Monday while he was returning home from work.

While the German police appear to have not fully investigated the incident, Iran-Interlink has learned that the African woman in question had previously been paid to attend a rally held by the Mojahedin Khalq terrorist cult in Villepinte, France on June 23rd.

The MEK had paid and bussed in several hundred such African and other refugees from all over Europe to make up an audience for its paid speakers, who mostly came from America.

This is the second violent incident in the past month involving the MEK. Nader Naderi, a former MEK member, was attacked and beaten up by Mojahedin Khalq cult members in Paris, during an authorised march to protest human rights violations by the MEK cult leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi.

Mr Naderi suffered a broken rib and other injuries and was taken to hospital by a shocked English tourist who had filmed the event as evidence for the police.

Iran summons German envoy over police misconduct

Press TV reported on July 05 2012

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has summoned the German ambassador to Tehran Bernd Erbel to strongly protest against the police confrontation with an Iranian diplomat in Frankfurt.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi said that one of the Iranian consular members in Frankfurt was attacked by an African woman on Monday while he was returning home from work, IRNA reported on Wednesday.

“Instead of confronting the assailant individual, the German police unfortunately displayed a violent behavior toward our country’s diplomat…” he said.

“Following the occurrence, the German ambassador to Tehran was summoned to the Foreign Ministry and he received the strong protest of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran against the German police behavior toward the diplomat],” Qashqavi added.

The Iranian government has also demanded German officials to launch an immediate investigation and explain the police misbehavior.

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Berlin and its consulate in Frankfurt have also sent letters to German officials, made contacts and held talks with them to voice Tehran’s protest in this regard.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry further condemned the move as part of an anti-Iran plot, aimed to undermine Tehran diplomatic image.

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