Mojahedin Khalq have not stopped their terror campaign

Open letter to Donald E. Graham

Open letter of the Iran Pen Club to the honorable and distinguished Chief Executive officer and Chairman of the Washington Post Company Mr. Donald E. Graham

According to the confession of the People’s Mujahedin Organization, in their record they have had thousands of terrorist operations.

Fortunately, we got informed that the Washington Post newspaper in an enlightened article written by Mrs. Julie Jowwarrick Tate on 6 of July 2012, a small portion of the reality and the content of people’s mujahedin organization has been reflected and revealed and in a very suitable and understandable way has dissected this stream which it shows your goodwill in the valid and accurate informing of the US public opinion .

We would like to appreciate you and your colleague because of the article written in your newspaper and also we would like to inform you that unfortunately the real content and essence of the people’s mujahedin organization with 40 years of terroristic record is still unknown for the US public opinion even though your experts and professionals in terroristic and cultic affaires know that the colonel Hawkins and other US military and non military citizens were assassinated and killed by the people’s mujahedin organization , but it seems that it is not enough because in the people’s mujahedin organization’ record, there has been thousands of terrorist operations registered according to their own confession.

The honorable author of the Washington Post has mentioned in their article that “this cult has not carried out and launched any terrorist operation since 2001…….” we would like to emphasize that if they have not carried out any terrorist operation since 2001 is not because they are remorseful of the violence and violent deeds for indoctrination of their political views, it is because the presence of USA on Iraq soil and the forcible disarmament of this stream.

Surly , you accept this fact that in a realistic recognition , we should distinguish between the Irish liberation army, which deliberately and by criticizing its past dismantled and disarmed itself and by public declaration began its political activities, with the people’s mujahedin organization which was disarmed forcibly consequently they could not continue their terrorist missions because of the lack of the arms and ammunition, furthermore the people’s mujahedin organization has not declared its renunciation of the arm struggle for gaining the political power by showing any evidence and document and they have not denounced it yet. A number of the former members of people’s mujahedin organization have confessed that Massoud Rajavi and his military commanders are continuing the programming , renovating , editing and codification of the strategy of the arm struggle in theory and practice in their internal sessions and for this reason there is still the symbol of the arm on the pmoi emblem as the symbol of the arm struggle and violence.

This religious cult is trying its best to delist itself by all means from the US state department’s terrorist list by deceiving the US public opinion and US political operatives and decision makers but we should pay more attention to the potential danger of this organization and its leader , Massoud Rajavi, and we should warn the global society in advance about the danger of this organization born in Middle East , unpopular and despised among Iranian communities either in or out of Iran with the obsessions of gaining power in any way possible.

There is no doubt that the authors and the reporters and article writers in the credible newspaper like Washington Post which by endeavor in recognition of the phenomena and the dangers and the problems of the society , are the vigilant and wakeful eyes of the US society to warn their own people in advance. We as the great portion of the separated and freed members of this dangerous religious cult who are residing in Europe and Germany. in the form of an association, we continue our enlightened activities and we would like to share our experiences as well as our recognition of this dangerous religious cult which is gained during 20 years of living and working in this cult , with you in face to face meetings , by mail , or by telephone to promote and increase your knowledge and recognition of this cult . in this regard we attach some documents and books in this letter to richen and deepen your recognition of such dangerous religious cult.

Again, we appreciate you and your company and we wish you more success in your duties.

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