Nejat families urge immediate visit with their children

We are families of Mujahedin- E- Khalq organization members. We founded Nejat Society (Salvation Society) about a decade ago. We have worked here to help release our loved ones who are holding as hostages in the MEK.

We suffer long-term separation from our children who have been imprisoned at camps of Mujahedin Khalq Organization. The group does not allow us to meet them. We have been picketing in front of Camp Ashraf, Iraq for over two and a half years.

Appreciating the efforts by the UN, ICRC and particularly Mr. Martin Kubler who recently presented a roadmap to evacuate Camp Ashraf, we urge them and other related international bodies to pave the way for us to visit our loved ones.

Despite the tough work done by the UN and Iraqi government to move Ashraf residents to Temporary Transit Location (Camp Liberty), the MKO leaders seek to blockade or at least to slow the relocation process by excuse-making and trouble-mongering. They try to tighten the bars of the cult around the members by preventing them from visiting their families.

Where in the world people including prisoners are forbidden to visit their family and friends?
We want our children back in the warm embrace of the family.

The following is a list of requests Nejat families ask to be addressed:

1-that the 1200 people remaining at Camp Ashraf be moved to TTL as soon as possible.
2- That residents of Camp Liberty (TTL) be allowed to meet with their families, relatives and friends freely without the presence of the MKO officials.
3-That UNHCR help find third countries for residents of TTL and help them get residency or refugee there.
4- That residents be granted the right to make phone calls and send letters to their families. Some of them have been never allowed to contact their families for over three decades.
Once again, we support Mr. Martin Kobler’s roadmap on Camp Ashraf and condemn the MKO for the barriers it makes against the plan which complies with the rights of Ashraf and liberty residents and their families .


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