Israel runs terror bases with US support

A senior official of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the Israeli regime is involved in establishing terrorist training bases across the globe in collaboration with despotic rulers and by using the US sway.

“The Zionist regime (Israel) collaborates with despotic rulers in the world and uses the influence of arrogant powers such as the US to engage in establishing terror training camps across the globe,” said Director of the IRGC’s Public Affairs Office Brigadier General Ramazan Sharif on Wednesday.

He emphasized the Tel Aviv regime has an extensive record of planning all sorts of terror attacks and organizing terrorist training bases.

However, Brig. Gen. Sharif added, “There is no will on the part of the international community to condemn the Zionists’ crimes,” noting that for years Israel has resorted to terror means “to remove effective individuals for their respective nations.”

The IRGC official went on to refer to Israel’s “evident record” of terror acts committed in Lebanon, the occupied Palestinian territories and other nations in its attempts to inflict damages on Muslims.

Brig. Gen. Sharif pointed to the “evident destructive efforts by the Zionist regime to impede the progress of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” noting that the hostility of the regime against the Iranian nation becomes more obvious by the day.

He then referred to a documentary recently broadcasted on an Iranian TV network, detailing the extent of Israeli involvement in the terror assassination of the nation’s nuclear scientists, and said that it proved beyond any doubt the ill intentions of the global hegemony in identifying and targeting Iranian scientists.

The general concluded his remarks by stressing that the prime source of terror acts by terrorist groups such as the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) goes back to the Israeli regime and the “the global Zionism would not hesitate to commit any crime to reach its ominous aims.”

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