Mojahedin Khalq new scam to collect money in the west

Open letter to the European authorities

We are informed that Mojahedin khalq, aka, National Council of Resistance, aka PMOI,aka MEK has started a fund raising program claiming that the collected money would be spend on behalf of those people who were hurt in the recent earthquake in Iran. Sources report that MEK leadership has told its activists that it is an excellent opportunity to collect a large amount of money for the organization (MEK).

According to the information we have received, MEK cell leaders in most of European countries including UK, France, Netherlands, Sweden and also in North America are told to use any possible means in order to collect money.

MEK activists are to approach Iranian communities as well as humanitarian organizations and individuals in western countries and try to raise funds for their claim. MEK members who are active in this program have learned not to introduce themselves as the group’s members and fake their real identity.

Hereby we would like to inform all organizations and individuals about the terrorist group`s intentions that collected funds by MEK is not to support any humanitarian cause but for supporting a terrorist organization and its money laundry activities.

MEK is a Foreign Terrorist Organization and is black listed by the US government. According to US law, any financial support to this group means supporting worldwide terrorism and is subject to charges.

We would like to ask all humanitarian organizations and individuals who are willing to support Iranian victims of earthquake to send their helps through known and verified sources such as the Red Cross. Also any suspicious people who try to collect money should be referred to law enforcement organizations.

Community of Independent Bloggers

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