Close an MEK terror camp & worry Washington: Syria/Iran

You may recall the mention of MEK terrorists being present in Syria?

It was reported a day or so ago that Syria had arrested the MEK (brand name) terrorists in Syria.
You can read all about it here.

But first, read this!

Iraq’s threat to close MeK camp worries White House

Iraq’s threat to close a camp for terrorists worries the White House? Sorry, "dissidents" You can’t make this stuff up!

The Obama administration is worried about a threat from the Iraqi government to forcibly shut down a camp for Iranian dissidents(dissidents?) north of Baghdad.

Saddam Hussein allowed the dissidents to establish their paramilitary base in Iraq;( of course he did, they were attacking Iran and so was Iraq as a US proxy) however, the group has fallen out of favor with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s government, which is close to Iran. (Additional reasoning may be they (MEK) are continuing to launch terror attacks on Iran and Syria and likely in Iraq)

Falih al-Fayadh, Iraq’s national security adviser, on Tuesday said the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MeK) must move out of Camp Ashraf immediately or be forced to leave.

The State Department urged the Iraqi government to remain “patient and flexible” and seek a voluntary arrangement for relocating the former rebels, who were disarmed by U.S. troops after the overthrow of Saddam in 2003. (We need our MEK brand terrorists to ruin Syria, you can’t ask them to leave your own country)
“The United States is concerned by the government of Iraq’s reference on July 31 to the possible closure of Camp Ashraf by involuntary relocation of its residents,” Patrick Ventrell, the State Department’s acting deputy spokesman, said in a statement on Wednesday.
The MeK, also known as the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), was designated by the State Department as a foreign terrorist organization in 1997 when former President Bill Clinton was trying to open talks with the Iranian government.

A U.S. federal court in June ordered Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to decide within four months on removing the MeK from the U.S. terrorist list or they will do it. (The judges will remove the MEK from the terror list. Clinton, that is Hillary in this case, will simply wait for the judges to remove the terrorists then she will appear to have clean hands)

And of course, there is a connection to France-

The Camp Ashraf leadership is not to blame for the situation, said Shahin Gobadi, a Paris-based spokesman for the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a political coalition that includes the MEK.

Considering the fact that in order to sell a war in Syria the NATO/Israel/GCC nations had to employ every brand of mercenary necessary from generic “rebel” to FSA why not MEK. All terrorists. All terrorizing the Syrian people. And speaking of terrorizing the people of Syria…….

Recall these are the "freedom fighters"?

One last piece-The Irish Times – Monday, August 13, 2012

Media coverage of Syrian violence partial and untrue, says nun

A NUN who has been superior at a Syrian monastery for the past 18 years has warned that media coverage of ongoing violence in that country has been “partial and untrue”. It is “a fake”, Mother Agnes Mariam said, which “hides atrocities committed in the name of liberty and democracy”.

Superior of the Melkite Greek Catholic monastery of St James the Mutilated in Qara, in Syria’s diocese of Homs, which is in full communion with Rome, she left Ireland yesterday after a three-day visit during which she met representatives of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Maynooth.

She told The Irish Times she was in Ireland “not to advocate for the (Assad) regime but for the facts”. Most news reports from Syria were “forged, with only one side emphasised”, she said. This also applied to the UN, whose reports were “one-sided and not worthy of that organisation”.
UN observers in Syria had been “moderate with the rebels and covered for them in taking back positions after the withdrawal of heavy equipment, as seen so tragically in Homs”, she said.
The reason the media was being denied easy access to Syria currently was because in the Libyan conflict journalists placed electronic devices for Nato in rooms used at press conferences in that country, she said. “So Syria didn’t want journalists,” she said.

Read the rest at the link above Journalists as spies. Marie Colvin?Paul Conroy? Nothing new under the sun.


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