NAM attendees visit exhibitions on assassinated Iran nuclear scientists

The ministers and delegates of foreign countries paid a visit to two exhibitions organized to commemorate the assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists on Monday 27 August night on the sidelines of the NAM Summit in Tehran, state radio reported.

The exhibitions consisted of books and pictures, which showed that assassinations and creating insecurity are the two main agendas of Western spy agencies in Iran, the report added.

The report further said that the remains of the three exploded vehicles in which the martyred scientists were travelling were placed at the entrance of the exhibitions.

Other information on the Mojahedin-e Khalq Group’s (MKO) "crimes" was also presented at the exhibitions.

Today at the NAM foreign ministers’ meeting, Alireza, son of martyred nuclear scientist Motafa Ahmadi-Rowshan, and Armita, daughter of martyred nuclear scientist Daryush Reza’inezhad, will present flowers to the participants and guests as peace ambassadors, the report added.

Source: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, in Persian 0330gmt 28 Aug 12

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