Night vision goggles and military equipment inside MKO deportee’s bags

 A security source closely related to the terrorist MEK camp said, that the security forces, which oversaw the deportation of the first group of the remaining residents of Camp Ashraf, have found materials used for military purposes inside MEK women’s bags and clothes.

The source said that many shields, shoes and uniforms have been found in these bags, and added that 3 night vision goggles hidden in women’s clothing have been found.

The source said that the number of deportees today [August 29, 2012] is 400 people out of 1,200 people, and the inspection process so far is still ongoing since nine o’clock in the morning.

The terrorist organization had participated in the majority of the repression of the 1991 uprising. It also has a very close hand in hundreds of terrorist operations that took place in many areas .

Ashraf News

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