MEK shocked by diplomats visits to Liberty

According to AP, a group of international delegations and diplomats to Baghdad visited camp Liberty today and disscussed possibilities of helping individual MEK members to settle in countries out of Iraq.

According to the report, visitors had a general positive view of Iraq`s efforts to help UN moving the unwanted group out. "Foreign diplomats who visited the dusty complex of former U.S housing containers described the conditions as acceptable. Some said the conditions there looked good compared to other refugee camps."

Pakistani diplomat Saif Khwaja said, “The people who are living here are not from Iraq, and the Iraqi government is bearing the burden of these people.”

On the otherside, MEK was shocked of the visit and has called it a propaganda show. It expressed its dissatisfaction by adding that there was no enough time to discuss the issues with diplomats.

It seems that dissatisfaction of MEK is a result of loosing its safe heaven in Ashraf, where all the ideological and terrorist trainings could be secretly provided. Out of Ashraf and in a more free location, controlling its members is harder. As at least 4 men has escaped Mek`s authority in Camp Liberty.

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