The fifth person to leave TTL in the past weeks

Another member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization fled the group last week.

Mr. Taqi Saleh, 47, was a high ranking member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization who left the MKO after 22 years and joined UN forces installed at camp Liberty, on Monday, Dec.3, 2012.

Following the evacuation of camp Ashraf, the Cult leaders have to impose more severe mind control system and work time schedule over members in order to keep the members’ minds and bodies busy and eventually to prevent their defection. But, the more they enhance the pressure, the less the members are willing to stay in the cult.

It is worth to notify that Mr. Nasrollah Tokhm Afshan was also a long time member of the Cult of Rajavi who left the group, last week.

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