MKO defector, Hassan Sharqi returns home

Hassan Sharqi returned his homeland following the release from the Cult of Rajavi (the MKO). After settlement in a hotel in Baghdad, Mr. Sharqi contacted his family. Consequently the calls with family, particularly his old mother made him determined to get back home by the help of the governments of Iran and Iraqi.

Once he returned home He contacted Nejat Society Gilan Office. Appreciating the efforts of Gilan office; Mr. Sharqi notified that Nejat Society aided him so much in his return process.

It is worth to notify that Mr. Sharqi is a former member of the MKO. He spent 9 years as a war prisoner in Saddam Hussein’s prisons and then he was recruited by the MKO that once again captured him behind its cult-like bars for 23 years.

Hassan could manage to leave Camp Liberty (Temporary Transit Location) on August 20th, 2012.

Hoping the release of other hostages taken by the Cult of Rajavi , Nejat Society congratulates Mr. Sharqi on his release from the cult and eventually his return to his beloved family.

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