French Assembly, Why did you invite Maryam Rajavi?

Mr Claude Bartolone, President of the French National Assembly ,

We regretted the presence of Mrs Maryam Rajavi, leader of the People’s Mojahedin Khalq Organization, in the French National Assembly on Wednesday 4th December, 2012, a person whose hands are smeared with the blood of the best people of our motherland, Iran. Unfortunately, some of the Mojahedin’s lobbyists, who are representatives of the French people, have been deceived by Maryam Rajavi’s lies and they invited her to the French National Assembly.

Mr President

When Mrs Maryam Rajavi speaks about human rights, you should know that there are 3200 MEK members who have been held captive in Iraq in Camp Liberty on her direct order. Of this total more than half are willing to return to their normal life, if allowed their freedom. Currently, members who show any hint of dissent and those who want to separate from the MEK will be severely and brutally beaten on the direct order of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. Since these people have been relocated to Camp Liberty, more than 50 of them have succeeded in escaping and have rescued themselves from that camp. The obstacles and obstructions which the MEK has created, has resulted in failure of their refugee process in Iraq. The representative of your honorable country in the United Nations and the Security Council’s sessions have witnessed that Mr Martin Kobler, the UN’s special envoy, has complained many times at the lack of MEK cooperation in solving this humanitarian matter. On the other hand, for more than two years the families of MEK members have been asking for a one or two hour meeting with their loved ones. They have established a sit-in in front of the camp, but unfortunately they have been denied meeting with their loved ones on the direct order of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi.

Mr President,

In the French National Assembly, which is the symbol of French democracy and human rights, Mrs Maryam Rajavi speaks about human rights while dissidents inside the MEK are being killed on the direct order of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. In this regard, I can mention the names of women such as Mehry Moussavi, Minoo Fathali, Marjan Akbarian, Zahra Faizbakhsh, Homa Bashardoost, Allan Mohammadi, and others and men such as Saeed Kiani, Kiomarz Barforosh, Alinaghi Hadad, and others. In this regard my friends and I who have witnessed these crimes, are ready to testify in any court of law. The MEK, which has not gained power in Iran, massacres its own members. Any Iranian opposition group or organization which wants to criticize the MEK will be faced with bullying aggression and intimidation tactics by the MEK and suffer character assassination; and they will receive death threats from the MEK. None of the Iranian opposition groups which reside in Europe and the USA cooperate with them because of their cultic and violent behavior. The National Council of Resistance, the MEK’s public political face, which comprises MEK commanders and operatives, does not have any popularity among Iranian people. Now, Mrs Maryam Rajavi with this kind of background and record, requests the same kind of recognition and accreditation as the Syrian opposition from the French government!

We former MEK members, with 20-30 years of living in the MEK, who were able to rescue ourselves from the MEK after the downfall of Saddam Hussein and who are currently living in France, would like to alert you to the facts of this situation.

the voice of libertée
Mohammad Karami, Ayaran

The representatives of the French National Assembly
The representatives of the French Senate
The representatives of the European Parliament

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