Nejat Society Statement on Canadian Decision to Delist the MKO

The recent act Canadian Government to delist the Mujahedin Khalq Organization seemed disturbing to us, members of Nejat Society, although it was not a surprise, regarding the earlier removal of the group from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations of the US State Department in September. Nejat Society works hard to help release friends and families who are held as prisoners by the MKO.

Once the MKO is delisted, what about the blood of thousands of people assassinated and tortured by the group? The recent decision sounds like a political signal to Islamic Republic of Iran, rather than an action to protect democracy and human rights. Thus, you can also recognize Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi and other brutal dictators as peace activists and human rights defenders! The MKO cooperated with Saddam Hussein in the suppression of Kurds and Shiites uprisings in the 1990’s, according to various reports including the famous RAND report 2009.

We truly wonder how an undemocratic violent cult of personality – see Elizabeth Rubin’s the “Cult of Rajavi”, 2003 – can be excluded from legal actions that outlaws a terror listed group or entity. Has the MKO really changed or the recent decisions are just a sign of change in Canadian politics?

The move by Canadian government came soon after Secretary Clinton’s decision to delist the MKO. The MKO was delisted in the United States following a large scale propaganda campaign that was led by a number of well-paid US prominent figures. The MKO’s multi-million dollar campaign ended with its designation as a “good terrorist”! The DOS might hope to use the group as pressure lever against IRI in the midst of nuclear complications with Iran and along with widespread sanctions against the country.

The MKO is no democratic based on numerous testimonies. “The MKO former members reported abuses ranging from detention and persecution of ordinary members wishing to leave the organization, to lengthy solitary confinements, severe beatings, and torture of dissident members,” reads HRW report on the MKO.

As former members of the MKO, we urge on pursuing various cases of suicide, assassination and sexual abuse in the Cult of Rajavi (MKO/MEK).It was just a month ago that a number of ex-members of the group revealed new secrets about sexual abuse, hysterectomy surgery and violation of women’s rights committed in the group. The disappeared leader of the MKO, Massoud Rajavi sent a message of congratulations to those women whose wombs were removed saying:”You’re liberated from sexuality” (!)

This is an absolutely significant sign of violation of human rights, particularly women’s rights to firstly force them to divorce their spouses, then separate them from their children, make them give their last sign of motherhood to the leader by removal of their wombs and ultimately to be sexually abused by him. Regarding such facts on the internal mysteries of the cult of Rajavi and many other evidences on the cult-like an terrorist substance of the group, we state our protest against the recent decision the government of Canada made to allow the cult to act freely in its territory. Western states should be responsive to public opinion.

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