Forged System of Values in MKO’s Ideological Revolution

Rajavi forged ideological revolution as a forge to shape the adherents as he wished

Delivering a speech in the manner of a sermon in Paris in 1985, Massoud Rajavi addressed the members saying: “This [ideological revolution] is to test you; we need iron men. We seek new versions of power and capacity. Those Mojahedin who pass through this forge will be more rough and resistant”.

Believing to be the smith, Rajavi likens his forged ideological revolution to a forge to shape the adherents as he willed. In this new system of values, the standard for a faithful Mojahed were set to measure the members’ degree of loyalty and commitment to the organization and leadership. The imposed revolution before being considered an extraordinary way of initiating change in MKO can well be defined as an internal coup d’état to accomplish Rajavi’s own ambitions and promoting him to the highest and unbeatable status of a hegemonic leader and even above that. Of course, it was not so easy a task to compel members to surrender to the Rajavi’s selfish ambitious on their own will and to dissolve in a leader whom many believed to be inadequate to assume the status.

Since MKO is heavily built on a hierarchical structure, the members are controlled and organized under the command of higher ranks who in turn receive orders from higher command echelon. It made it much easier for the organization to impose the change on the members through such a forced stratum either through persuasion or designed processes of penalization. As the members would be provoked by persuasive heroic deeds of the responsible ranks, the statements of submission had to be first made by them. In this way, the rational thinking power of the rank and file had to be paralyzed under the impact of the impressive expressions of emotional parodies. Consequently, through a new plot of a systematic fashion of letter writing, the ranking members were allotted to write consecutive open letters of congratulation to the newly wed Rajavis, and Massoud Rajavi himself in particular, appreciating the heroic move and the initiated new phase in MKO.

There were countless volume of these letters, known as the letters of ideological revolution, with identical themes of expressing total devotion to the leadership and his novel ideological revolution. Resorting to these crafts to subjugate its own insiders was in direct contrast to its democratic slogans advertising on the political scene. There are more than enough volume of these letters as evidences all published in the organization’s official gazette Mojahed soon after the unconventional marriage. Writing of her unconditional dedication to ideological revolution, Mina Khiyabani, the teenage member wedded to Mahdi Abrishamchi soon after he divorced Maryam Azodanlu, in her letter addressed to Rajavi stated:

I hope to be close behind you and devoted to your emancipating revolution with my soul. To be worthy to follow the path, I need to be cleaned of whatever evil and element of filth. I bow to you to the extreme of my appreciation of your high status, and appreciate your miraculous move of self-sacrifice, that is far above the martyrdom of many thousands, that has guaranteed a history. Now I believe to be all blameworthy before this revolution. I hope this revolution will act as a motivation to reinforce iota of values within me to make me capable of being under your command as once I was. *

Mohammad Seyyedi Kashani, one of the oldest, experienced veterans whose organizational activities even exceed that of Rajavi, was another devotee who directed a letter in which he stated:

Dear Massoud, I will call you brother no more. You are my sage. Dear to my heart. You are my teacher…. many things have undergone a change in the organization and also inside us. I am sure that the last rusted layers of the old world would be eliminated from within the forces and sympathizers. Obviously, in our most favourite organization the real Mojahed is the one who is more unselfish and capable and also most cherished before God. *

In another letter from Mohammad Hayati, another member of MKO, we read:

I congratulate the blessed marriage of my ideological leader Massoud and Maryam. Definitely and knowingly I recant for failing to understand the grandeur of this leadership. *

In the letter of Hussein Abrishamchi, Mahdi Abrishamchi’s junior brother and a commander in chief of the organization, addressed to the Rajavis it was stated:

I wish I could kneel before you [Maryam] and Massoud as the forerunners of this great revolution and take my oath of allegiance. *

Mohsen Rezai, a member of central cadre, in his testament of allegiance to Rajavi earnestly supplicated salvation from him:

Great men have marvellous power of attraction and repulsion. Now I see it in you and you can influence all. Anybody endowed with an iota of humanism and nobility falls in your love and you repel whoever walks in the wrong path. I am sure that you will be among those closest to God in the Day of Judgment and I am also sure that you will take my hand for my salvation.*

Mahdi Abrishamchi, playing his own influential role in the ideological revolution, was one of the most enthusiastic espouses of the move started by his ex-wife and Rajavi:

This ideological move shed light on all of us. We were purged of our filth and dirt by passing through the hearth of purification that Rajavi demonstrated. Now our ideology is shining and we are different people. We have the honour of surpassing all those that ceased to follow the path. Now I dare say that , after this revolution, we are true members of Mojahedin, aren’t we? We pride ourselves on being his [Rajavi] followers and disciples; he is our mentor and educator who trained us and we hope he will do in future, and he will. We praise God for leading us to the right path through Massoud and Maryam, otherwise we would have gone astray. *

As seen, in all these letters the ranking members insist to state that the crystallized ideological revolution has led to great changes within them and the structure of the organization as well. According to many assertions made by Rajavi, Mojahedin are engaged in a never-lasting change until all intended objectives of leadership have been accomplished.

* The quotes are all from Mojahed issues 241, 242, 247 published in 1985., January 17, 2013

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