Journalist Condemns MKO for Inflicting Irreparable Damage on Muslim Community

An Algerian journalist said the crimes of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) will not fade away from the memories of the Iranian nation, Muslims and the Arab world.

Speaking in an interview with the Habilian Association, human rights NGO formed of the families of Iranian terror victims, Dr. Yahya Abu Zakaria pointed to the crimes of the MKO against Iranian scholars and intellectuals, and said, "These martyrs were the ones who helped Imam Khomeini establish the Islamic Revolution."

Referring to the lack of such great figures of Islamic Revolution as Ayatollah Dastgheib and Ayatollah Dr. Beheshti, Dr. Abu Zakaria said, "The nascent Islamic government needed every one of these individuals, as it takes a long time for a person to become a scholar, but the Monafeqin (Hypocrites, a term used for MKO in Iran and Iraq) assassinate these scholars to deprive the Iranian people of their knowledge and hinder the (Iranian) government from propagating Islamic thoughts."

The political analyst described MKO’s crimes as "unforgivable", and said, "We, as the Islamic Ummah, will prosecute them (MKO members) should the Iranian nation not take a legal action against them, as their crimes were not only against the Iranian people, but against the Muslim Ummah."

"They robbed the Ummah of great scholars and indefatigable Ulama who were melted into Allah’s divine essence and gave away their lives to provide Islamic epistemic theories," he added. "Thus, they have stood against the Islamic culture and civilization."

He added that he has seen the MKO members in Europe distributing anti-Iran leaflets, saying, "I’ve told them: Shame on you, that you’ve resorted to the western countries to overthrow your regime, which is the only regime in the world who has extended his hand to every country for cooperation."

During the early years of the Islamic Revolution, MKO assassinated a number of great Muslim scholars whose presence were a threat to the Islamic-Marxist guerrilla group. Among these scholars, one can refer to Ayatollah Seyed Abdolhossein Dastgheib, assassinated on December 11, 1981, when he along with his companions were heading to Shiraz main mosque to perform the Friday congressional prayers by a female member of the MKO.

Another great Muslim scholar, Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani, who led the Friday prayers in Kermanshah, was assassinated when a MKO-linked suicide-bomber embraced him during he Friday prayers and pulled the pin of a hand grenade.

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