MKO given new deadline to leave Camp Ashraf

Mujahedin-e Khalq organization is not complying quickly enough with the Iraq’s calls on the terrorist group to complete the move from its former military camp. So the Diyala provincial officials are giving the grouplet a new deadline to fully evacuate Camp Ashraf.
According to a report published by Habilian Association, a human rights NGO formed of the families of over 17000 Iranian terror victims, a responsible source in the town of Khalis, 50 km north of Baghdad where Camp Ashraf is located, said the officials have set the February 9, 2013, as the new deadline for MKO to withdraw all its members from the Camp Ashraf.
The source added that the Diyala Operations Command is responsible to inform the remaining elements of the MKO in this regard.
The relocation is in line with the memorandum of understanding signed on 25 December, 2011, between Iraq and United Nations to temporarily transfer members of the terrorist MKO group to a former U.S. military base near the Baghdad International Airport for the UNHCR to determine their refugee status.
So far, over 3100 of the group’s members have been transferred to their transient home in Camp Liberty. Although the Iraqi government’s patience is wearing thin and has repeatedly insisted the closure of the Camp Ashraf, about 100 of the MKO members, who were due to leave shortly, are still at the camp to “sell their property” in there.

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