Deep Differences between MKO, Western Lobbyists

Attack on Camp Liberty Unveils Deep Differences between MKO, Western Lobbyists

The recent rocket attack on Camp Liberty – the transient settlement facility of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization in Iraq – unveiled the deep differences between the terrorist group and its American and European lobbyists.
According to a report by Didehban center, pro-MKO lobbyists, who are mostly retired European and American politicians, have recently concluded that the criminal activities of the MKO (also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR) will definitely prove costly for them.
They have recently increased their criticism about the "irresponsible" remarks of MKO’s ringleader, Maryam Rajavi, and the negative impacts of her remarks.
These lobbyists have realized that MKO ringleaders want to massacre the group’s members as they see such bloodshed as the only way to guarantee their longer stay in Iraq, while their lobbyists such as former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani have asked for the transfer of the MKO members to the US, said the Didehban report.
In Washington on Saturday, at a convention of Iranian-Americans, Giuliani called on the United States to take in the camp residents.
"These people can all be removed within hours," Giuliani said. "Planes can be sent immediately. They can be here within a day. We have done far more difficult things than that. It’s only about 3,000 people."
The report came after some media reports alleged that Katyusha rockets fired on the Camp Liberty have killed five members of the MKO. About 40 members of the terrorist group were reportedly wounded in Saturday’s attack, along with three Iraqi policemen, said the reports.
Meantime, a senior Iraqi lawmaker said that the recent rocket attack on Camp Liberty was a move to convince Iraq to allow the MKO to return to Camp Ashraf, but such actions are futile the grouplet’s return to its main training camp is impossible.
"Attack on the MKO aimed to rally the support of the international community’s public opinion for the MKO’s return to the Diyala province and Camp Ashraf," Abdullah al-Naeli said on Wednesday.
"But returning the MKO’s members to their previous position is not possible, specially given the fact that Diyala residents spent much efforts to expel them from their province," Naeli was quoted by Ashraf News as saying.
The Iraqi lawmaker added that the Baghdad government is seriously investigating the attack to find out the realities.

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