Iranian Mojahedin Accepts Defeat

Survivors’ Report: Iranian Mojahedin Accepts Defeat — Rejects Armed Struggle

To: National and International desks

Contact: Anne Singleton, 44-113-278-0503

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 /U.S. Newswire/ — The following was released today by Survivors’ Report, the publication name of the Association to support the victims of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO/MEK):

A source close to the National Council of Resistance of Iran — led by Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi — has stated to Survivors’ Report on condition of anonymity:

"A few years ago the Mojahedin Khalq started to take their case to the court of the European Union to come out of the list of Terrorist organizations in Europe.

"According to their own statements, they hired squadrons of lawyers and advisors and were very hopeful that the result would be in their favor.

"A court session is scheduled in early February 2006 in Luxemburg to hear this case.

"The Mojahedin have spent the past few years gathering petitions and letters of support from whoever they could get their hands on, but their lawyers and advisors have told them clearly that for their organization to be removed from the lists of terrorist organizations, they will have to clearly and unequivocally denounce terrorism as a means to achieve their political aims, and that they have to announce that they clearly and totally reject armed struggle (freedom fighting) and do not believe in it any more, and from now on, their struggle against the Iranian regime will be only in the form of political, social and cultural activities.

"The Mojahedin have now accepted this advice and have declared to the relevant officials that: The Mojahedin Khalq Organisation rejects armed struggle and commits itself only to non-violent means of struggle and therefore asks the relevant authorities to remove it from the lists of terrorist organizations."

— Iranian Mojahedin reportedly accepts defeat of its thirty-year armed struggle.

— Source close to NCR says officials in Europe told: "The Mojahedin Khalq Organisation rejects armed struggle and commits itself only to non-violent means of struggle and therefore asks the relevant authorities to remove it from the lists of terrorist organizations."

This recent announcement by the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation is in total contradiction to what has been portrayed to the members and supporters who have been led to believe that armed struggle is the only form of struggle possible, and that it is rooted in the history of the Mojahedin as its most fundamental value.

The Mojahedin have always talked about armed struggle as the honor and legacy of the movement, and that it represents the basic red line between the Mojahedin and the outside world.

If true, this new rejection of armed struggle (which has been the core belief in the organization for the last 25 years) can be seen as the biggest ideological setback for the leaders of the organization since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. This reflects the last desperate attempts by the leaders to delay the total disintegration of the organization by accepting big losses in their remaining loyal forces.


Survivors’ Report is the publication name of the Association to support the victims of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO/MEK). The Association comprises several groups of and individual former members of the MKO/MEK in Europe and North America.

Survivors’ Report acts as a pressure group/support organization which provides a point of contact for families and friends of members of the Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq. It informs about the real nature of the Mojahedin as a religious/personality cult; exposes the Mojahedin’s abuse of its members’ fundamental human rights; pinpoints responsibility for the terrorist actions and human rights abuses of the Mojahedin on leaders, Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi; helps individuals who wish to leave the Mojahedin to find refuge; assists those who leave the Mojahedin come to terms with their experiences within and re-establish themselves in the wider community; and reunites people who leave the Mojahedin with their family and friends.

For further information, please contact:

Survivors’ Report in the UK:

Anne Singleton (editor), Tel.: +44-113-278-0503

Representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCR) in the UK: Hossein Abedini, P.O. Box 2516, London, United Kingdom NW4 2DD; info(at)

Alternative email addresses for the NCR and Mojahedin:

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