Why such a reaction to defection of two NCR members?

Following the resignation of the two last non-MEK members of the National Council of Resistance, the secretariat of the NCR published an announcement denouncing the two defectors, Mr. Karim Ghasim and Mr. Mohammad Reza Rowhani! The announcement was a reaction to the common statement the two defected member issued after their resignation.
Ghasim and Rowhani criticized the NCR leader for their undemocratic approach during the years of their membership in the council although they seemed reluctant to openly question the organization. However, the NCR announcement calls their allegedly unexpected resignation as treason! Ghorban Ali Hossein nejad former Rajavi’s personal interpreter –who himself was harshly verbally harassed by Massoud Rajavi after his defection from the Mujahedin Khalq Organization/ MKO—condemned the group’s attitude regarding defection of the members of the NCR.
“Where in the world leaving a party or a political organization is considered treason and joining the enemy?”, Hossein nejad asks the group leaders.”Why you never answered a single question they asked about the council’s functions and decisions in 30 years?”As the two individuals have noted in their statement the reason of their resignation is the lack of responsiveness in the MKO.
Comparing the MKO with the Communist party of the Soviet Union, Ghorban Ali Hosseinnejad wants the MKO authorities to respond the criticism the defectors of the NCR presented in their statement.
The announcement of the NCR was allegedly signed by the so-called signatories who signed the group’s announcement against Qasim and Rowhani and according to Hossein nejad 90 percent of them are currently in Iraq so they  were absent at the NCR’s meeting held in Paris! Therefore, no challenge and criticism was posed in the meeting. Basically members of the MKO especially those who are residing in Camp Liberty, Iraq, never dare to refuse signing the indoctrinated documents. Former translator of Massoud Rajavi puts: ”Besides, I know individuals among the signatories with whom I used to work when I was in the group and I know them well. I know that they were serious critics of   the council’s leader who is also the MKO’s leader but they were forced to sign the announcement under Rajavi’s oppressive system and heavy pressure ruling Liberty.”

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