MKO hiring New York beggars to hold demonstrations

A handful of members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) who were protesting against the Iraqi officials in front of the United Nations headquarters here paid New York beggars to persuade them to join their tiny gathering.

 Simultaneous with the United Nations Security Council meeting on Iraq which partly focused on the situation of the terrorist group today, the tiny group of the MKO members who used to be less than a handful in previous days paid money to about 30 beggars and elderly people from different nationalities to allure them join their gathering.

They made big sounds calling for returning to Camp Ashraf.

A UN staff member who had worked in Tehran for several years and is quite familiar with the demographic and national structure of the Iranian society was quite bewildered to see people with colored skins among the terrorist MKO gathering.

Talking to IRNA correspondent, an elderly lady who was participating in the MKO gathering said that she was from South Africa and was a professional beggar.

On reasons for her presence in the gathering, she said two persons had asked her to come in front of the UN headquarters and wave the MKO flag in return for 20 dollars and a meal.

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