UK peer: MKO ban members from Iran

Former vice president of the EU Committee on Foreign Affairs Baroness Emma Nicholson says the heads of terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) do not allow members in Iraq to return to Iran and rejoin their families there.

The British life peer said in an interview with Iranian NGO the Habilian Association that the terrorist groups’ members are not allowed back in Iran by their leaders in the knowledge that they will not face persecution there.

The MKO terrorists, formerly based at Camp Ashraf in Iraq, now face expulsion from the country.

Nicholson said that “western European states are not at all wishful of receiving them because of their recent past history” with just two European countries, Germany and Albania, giving a lukewarm response to the UN Secretary General requests for asylum to the members of the terrorist MKO.

The terror cell has, however, turned down the two offers asking to be relocated to the US, where they are most ardently supported.

Last year, Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s Foreign Policy and National Security Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said there is space for discussion of some MKO members return to Iran if officials give their approval.

He added that would only be possible if they “regret their past mistakes” as many MKO members have been kept at Ashraf Camp against their will.

MKO terrorists are notorious for carrying out terrorist acts and assassinations of lay people and top officials in Iran.

The Habilian Association, which represents part of families of the victims of MKO terrorism, estimates that it has assassinated over 12,000 people in Iran.

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