Iran praises Iraq efforts to close Camp Ashraf

Iranian Foreign Ministry has expressed gratitude to Iraqi government for its sincere efforts to close the original residence of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq’s eastern province of Diyala.

In a statement released on Thursday, the ministry stated that Tehran had on occasions warned the UN Special Representative for Iraq Martin Kobler about the continued presence of the MKO members at the camp — situated about 120 kilometers (74 miles) west of the border with Iran — as well as their mischief and adventurism.

The statement also underlined Iran’s support for efforts made by the UN and Iraqi government for rapid expulsion of the MKO members from Camp Liberty in western Baghdad, calling on the countries supporting the terrorist group to stop their financial and political backing.

On September 1, over 70 MKO members, including top commanders, were killed in an attack inside the terrorist group’s notorious camp in Iraq’s eastern province of Diyala. There were around 100 MKO members in the camp at the time.

The attack came at the hands of a group of Iraqi people and the relatives of those martyred by the terrorists when they had joined forces with executed Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, in 1991 to crush an uprising by Iraqi Shias.

The Iraqis who stormed the terror camp further demanded the immediate expulsion of all MKO terrorists from their country.

The last group of MKO terrorists at Camp Ashraf, now called Camp New Iraq, was evicted by the Iraqi government on Wednesday to join other members of the terrorist group in the former US-held Camp Liberty, now called Camp Hurriya, near Baghdad International Airport where they are awaiting relocation to other countries.

The MKO fled to Iraq in 1986, where it enjoyed the support of Iraq’s executed dictator, Saddam Hussein, and set up its camp near the Iranian border.

The group is also known to have cooperated with Saddam Hussein in suppressing the 1991 uprisings in southern Iraq and carrying out the massacre of Iraqi Kurds.

The MKO has carried out numerous acts of violence against Iranian civilians and government officials.

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