How the MKO terrorists buy Czech politicians? The case of Daniel Herman

The propaganda arm of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) is a nonstop machine to buy and manipulate supporters in the West. Daniel Solis, is a journalist from Czech Republic who wrote an article in Free Globe on the group’s active campaign to recruit advocates among Czech political figures.
Solis criticizes the Prague candidate Daniel Herman for is a paid sponsor of the terrorist MKO. "Supporting dangerous foreign terrorist organization whose members have been up in arms operating in Iran, Iraq and Syria, is an unprecedented example of the perversion of some Czech politician", He writes.

As Solis puts, besides Herman, the deposed priest, probably for a high bribe, at least two other Czech politicians, namely Jan Zahradil and Richard Falbr support the MKO. Details of their support were described in the article: "Zahradil and Falbr in the payroll of Marxist terrorists"
Daniel Herman received from the terrorists in the same spirit precise instructions on what to say and how to proceed and how to use his network of contacts to support the Marxist Islamic movement, the author reveals.

Solis refers to Herman’s interview with a Czech radio show where he was questioned for his support for the MKO. The answer according to Solis was the repetition of the absurd rhetoric of lying neocons."Herman does not say what led him to it. He did not comment on the fact that the opinions and practices of terrorists cannot and are not compatible with Christian values, and the general culture of European politics. Herman simply tells that the terrorist organization was removed from two lists of terrorist organizations."
The author accurately notifies the terrorist record of the group and its  role in the insurgencies in the Middle East ,"Herman foisted hypocrite logic is that the benefit of these terrorists is to fight against the Iranian government. In Iran Herman’s terrorists have killed more than 17,000 lives. How generous of a Christian that Herman pleads for murderers who are now fighting in Syria alongside Al Qaeda. There are reports that the terrorists were going to attack quite recently also in Europe".

Finally he warns his audience of the risk of a misled warmonger leader, "So beware of false prophets, who manipulate the public with false statements and untruths about international matters. Beware of those who are going for silver willing to sell his soul to the devil and propel the world into destruction."

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