The MKO-Israeli Spying network

While the Israeli security forces announced the arrest of an Iranian-born with Belgium citizenship accusing him of spying for Tehran, the Iranian officials said they have arrested Israeli spies for planning to sabotage nuclear sites. However, Mujahedin Khalq Organization admitted its organizational connection with the suspect tried in Israeli court. The propaganda arm of the MKO, National Council of Resistance the NCR announced a statement to desperately try to deny Mansouri’s current link with the group.

Apparently the MKO’s statement is a reaction to what the Belguim’s newspaper Le Soir published on the news of the arrest of the alleged Iranian spy, Ali Mansouri.  Le Soir reported that the suspect had identified himself as a supporter of the MKO. The group’s PR machine uses fallacious arguments to induce Mansouri as an agent of the Iranian Qods Forces who had infiltrated the MKO.

By intentionally or unintentionally confirming its close and long-time relation with the suspect, the NCR loses its face.

The MKO’s announcement on Ali Mansouri as a person who has once been an adherent to the group was faced with revelations by the side of former members of the group who used to know Mansouri during their membership in the Cult of Rajavi. They recall him as an intelligence agent of the group against Iranian government.

Mohamamd Razaghi, former member of the MKO reveals his personal experience with Ali Mansouri while both of them were associated with the group. Ali Mansouri has been a go between for the MKO’s secret section and Mossad, Razaghi says.”Many ordinary members of the ET section [Intelligence Section of the MKO] remember him because every now and then they were tasked to do things for him,” Razaghi reveals. "It was no secret to us even in those days that he was working as an agent between MKO and Mossad and that is why he travelled personally to Israel a few times."

The NCR admits that Ali Mansouri has been an MKO sympathizer in Turkey since 1980 but Mohammad Razaghi completes NCR’s account:” In reality, Ali Mansouri was resident in Turkey between 1980 and 1998 and was in charge of gathering intelligence from inside Iran. He himself would travel to Iran every now and then. The MEK, of course, was very keen to keep him and his work secret.”[2]

Definitely, Ali Mansouri is not the only MKO-Mossad agent who has been detected in recent years. Assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists have been “ joint Mossad-MEK operations,” a confidential source who is a former Israeli cabinet minister and senior IDF officer, told Richard Silverstein, journalist on January 13, 2012, the day Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan , the director of Natanz Uranium facility was murdered.[3]

According to the Associated Press, a group of suspected Israeli spies have recently gone on trial in Iran. Earlier this month Judge Dadkhoda Salari was quoted as saying that the group was led by three people who hired some 60 others to conspire against Iran’s ruling Islamic government.[4] But the most recent account of the Israeli spying network in Iran was revealed in the Washington Post. Washington Post says Turkey deliberately blew up cover of an Israeli spy ring working inside Iran in early 2012 and dealt a significant blow to Israeli Intelligence gathering.[5]

The MKO-Israeli alliance was also confirmed by other sources including the NBC News in February 2012. “Deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, US officials told NBC News , confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders.[6]

In their anti-Iranian campaign, the declaration of detaining the Iranian-Belgian man came as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was traveling to the United States to show off his wary of the likely improvement of relations between Iran and the West. The Timing was well organized. As Reuters puts, Israeli analysts questioned the timing of the affair, suggesting it was being showcased as part of efforts to discredit Tehran’s new opening to Washington.” [7]

Once Ali Mansouri turned into an expired agent, the MKO-Israeli PR machine used him as fuel to heat harder on war drums against Iranians.

While the negotiations over Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany in Geneva seem to spark hope for progress, the MKO and Israel have to make harder efforts to obstruct advancements.

By Mazda Parsi




[3]Silverstein, Richard, Israeli Source: Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Joint Mossad-MEK Operation, Tikun Olam, January 13, 2012

[4]The Associated Press, Suspected Israeli spies stand trial in Iran, Oct. 12, 2013

[5] Rueters, Turkey revealed Israeli spy ring to Iran-report, Oct 17, 2013

[6] Engel, Richard & Windrem, Robert, Israel teams with terror group to kill Iran’s nuclear scientists, US officials tell NBCNews, NBC, February 9, 2012

[7] Heller, Jeffrey, Israel showcases Iranian spy case as Netanyahu visits U.S., Reuters, September 30, 2013

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