MKO, A Threat Against Iraq

What is of primary importance for us, as Iraqis, is the interest of our nation and we should not lose our way. Past and present experiences prove that the Mojahedin-e Khalq organization is like a blade at the hands of occupiers against innocent Iraqis. We witnessed the brutality of this treacherous organization during Iraqis’ Intifadah (uprising) in 1991. Members of this organization were pioneers in suppressing our nation. Former senior Iraqi officials counted on this group. MKO had a strategic place in security and intelligence issues.

After the fall of Saddam and his partners, most of the leaders of this group fled to Europe but currently, the members of this group plan terrorist operations inside Iraq and support such operations logistically and financially.

Mojahedin-e Khalq organization is a burden for Iraqis. The organization of hypocrites (MKO), under full protection of US tanks in military Camp of Ashraf in Iraq, receives the orders directly from the US army. The leaders and officials of this organization are in practical coordination with those Sunni tribes leaders who disagree with the current political process. The camp of this organization has become a workshop for preparing bombed cars; this camp is used for targeting mosques, kindergartens, hospitals, schools and crowded markets.

Therefore, we ask the Iraqi government, National Assembly and political parties and movements to take an immediate tough stance on expelling the terrorist treacherous group of Mojahedin-e Khalq from Iraq. Our country has suffered enough from this organization and we can’t see more destruction and terrorist operations anymore. We are free in our country. No more deals on the pure blood of Iraqis and their wealth.

You Iraqis, raise your voice to denounce all plots against our country. No one should be allowed to undermine our honor and we should be able to determine the future of our own country. The wealth of Iraq is today an opportunity for parties and organizations and some groups victimize Iraqis to get to their own goals; they do it to serve their own political ambitions.

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