Retarded MKO PR Apparatus

The Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/the Cult of Rajavi) wants all the world blind to what is truly going in the cult. Members and advocates of the group are lied on a daily basis. However, today the world is gradually getting aware of the real issues the victims of the MKO are dealing with. This may explain why the united Nations Secretary General and the U.S. Department of State sees the group’s fragmentation as the most effective way to protect the members.

The UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon who has to date frequently emphasized on the relocation of MKO members held in Temporary Transit Location (TTL/Camp Liberty), declared that the UN is launching a Trust Fund initiative to cover costs relating to the relocation  process. The Secretary General appeals to member states to contribute to this Fund.[1]

Besides, the United States welcomed the establishment of the Trust Fund and announced that its state would provide $1 million to the UN Trust Fund. the State Departments’ deputy spokesperson, Marie Harf said, “We share the conviction that relocation is the only lasting means of guaranteeing  the safety and well being of those residing at Camp Hurriya.[2]

’ that was correctly denounced by the Iranian Foreign Ministry Mohammad Javad Zarif saying,” For 22 years, the Zionist regime has been lying by repeating endlessly that Iran will have the atomic bomb in six months.”[3]

The last MKO’s so-called revelations about the Iranian nuclear program came in the early October when it saw that the diplomacy between the West and Tehran was working. The group –blindly– launched another propaganda attack against Tehran claiming to have published new revelations on what it desperately made efforts to call “the regime nuclear weapon program”. What was the world’s reaction to the allegations made by the MKO? Definitely nothing except few “unmoved” news reports that made no difference among public thoughts.

The MKO’s propaganda is not believed anymore. During Geneva talks between P5+1 and Iran the group had planned to stage an incident to disrupt the talks, Swiss Police took timely action to prevent such an action. They wanted to disrupt press conferences held by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Iranian Foreign Minister, Dr. Zarif. Officials at the venue in Geneva reported that Police had prevented this, Iran interlink reported. [4]

The MKO has also lost its face among its old advocates including Jordanian politicians. According to a report by the Arabic language newspaper al Arab-al-Yawm, a number of Jordanian Parliament members have turned down invitation to the annual gathering of the MKO in Villepinte, due to the presence of some Syrian opposition members.[5]

Former deputy speaker of Jordanian Parliament, Nariman al-Rousan, said” We’ve informed the MKO that due to inviting the Syrian opposition members, we have boycotted this year’s annual conference of them.”[6]

Today, the group’s PR tribune is widely broadcasting the news of a alleged hunger strike by its supporters around the world which has up to now lasted 57 days! The strike is claimed to be a protest to the attack on Camp Ashraf, Iraq. Once camp Ashraf is evacuated what’s the use of such a hunger strike for the group? The only outcome of victimizing more brainwashed cult members – this time, under the pretext of hunger strike – is to pack more material for their further propaganda but was it really useful? How many news reports were published on the issue? How many human rights organization called for taking action on MKO strikers?

Indeed, the MKO is known to all international human rights bodies for its notorious cult-like structure. According to investigative reports by for instance Human Rights Watch the MKO seriously violates rights of people inside and outside its establishment.

Actually, the MKO leaders have become so incompetent to manipulate public opinion that they have to spend much more than the 1$million-dollar credit donated by the US, in order to step up the influence of their propaganda among their advocates . Their only resort is to increase fees to buy supporters among western politicians –those whose conscience is not moved by the crimes of a terrorist cult of personality.

Mazda Parsi


[1]UN News Center, Iraq: launching new trust fund, UN chief urges relocation of Champ Hurriya residents, October 23, 2013

[2] U.S. Department of State, Press Statement, U.S. Pledges Support to UN Trust Fund for Resettlement of Camp Hurriya Residents, Marie Harf, Deputy Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC, October 24, 2013

[3]AFP, Iran FM accuses Israel’s Netanyahu of ‘lies’, October 1, 2013




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