Practical solution to resolve Liberty residents’ situation

The Mujahedin Khalq is no more welcomed in Iraq. The group’s alliance with Saddam Hussein and the innumerable crimes it committed which continued even after the dictators’ overthrow and also their resistance to end the several years of illegal occupancy of a piece of Iraq land caused the wrath of the Iraqi nation and consequently led to a sequence of attacks on Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty which resulted in the deaths and injuries to numerous camps residents.

The calamity the Mujahedin Khalq is trapped in caused whoever in concern of the members of the group to be worried about their fate.

The suffering families who have for a long time been deprived to visit their loved ones are more worried than before.

Former members of the MKO who managed to escape the Cult are also restless to see their friends in danger. Over and over they have told their stories to the world, asking international organizations to help those entrapped physically and mentally within the Rajavis’ Cult.

After the deadly incidents in camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty both families and defectors wrote letters and petitions to due international bodies asking for help to find a practical solution to save the residents of the camps.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has several times reiterated the need for the Camp Liberty residents relocation to third countries and has opened several ways for talks with a number of European states in a bid to find a third party to host the Mujahedin Khalq. António Guterres, UNHCR chief insisted: “The residents of Camp Hurriya urgently need solutions to relocate out of Iraq".[1]

EU High Representative Catherine Ashton also called the Permanent resettlement outside Iraq as the only solution.[2]

UN Chief announced a trust fund initiative to help relocate residents of Camp Liberty. Ban ki-moon reiterated the necessity to “pick up the pace of the relocation”. [3]

The United States welcomed the UN initiative and through a statement announced the US plan to donate $1 million to the fund. Marie Harf, the US Deputy Department Spokesperson said: We share the conviction that relocation is the only lasting means of guaranteeing the safety and well-being of those residing at Camp Hurriya. [4]

Thus it seems that all parties concerned have reached to the consensus that the only way to resolve situation of Camp Liberty residents is to relocate them somewhere out of Iraq.

However there are two main obstacles on the way of the Camp residents’ relocation, one of which is the reluctance of third countries to house former terrorists as refugees. What is just before their eyes is the group’s past violent history and anti-social behaviors. So far just three countries Belgium, Germany and Albania have offered to accept a small number of Liberty residents.

Yet the main barrier on the way of the relocation process is unwillingness of the leaders of the Organization.

Martin Kobler, the former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq, several times deplored the lack of cooperation of the residents and of their leadership with the UNHCR and UN monitors. In an interview with The Associated Press in Baghdad kobler said that “residents of an Iranian dissident camp are denied freedom of movement by the exile group.”[5]

Wendy Sherman, the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs also noted that the MEK’s leadership in Paris was obstructing the process to resettle MEK members.[6]

The MEK’s leadership demand is that the members be allowed to relocate together as a single unit, rather than to be relocated individually to different countries. In this way they can preserve the cult hegemony on members and prevent their defection.

The UN Trust Fund according to the UN chief statement is “to cover costs relating to the relocation process”. The UN Chief urged states to contribute to the fund.[7]

Conversely the point is that what is really hindering the relocation process is unwillingness of the MKO leaders rather than lack of fund.  

The MKO launched multimillion-dollar campaign to bury the MEK’s bloody history of bombings and assassinations.

The group spends large sums of money to arrange Maryam Rajavi travels to European countries and to stage events to launch its propaganda campaign to direct the attentions to the ambitions of the leaders of the group.

If the Americans are really worried about the fate of residents of Camp Liberty they should put forth to convince the MKO leaders to let members participate and complete due processes and use the safe and secure relocation opportunities rather than donating for it. The US can also step forward to take at least a number of Temporary Transit Location residents to its own country.

By:  A .Sepinoud


[1] Bobb, Donn, UNHCR welcomes Albanian offer to Hurriya residents,, March 2013

[2]Office of Catherine Ashton, European Union, EU welcomes Albanian offer, Fully supports Kobler efforts, March 21, 2013

[3] UN News Center, Iraq: launching new trust fund, UN chief urges relocation of Champ Hurriya residents, October 23, 2013

[4] U.S. Department of State, Press Statement, U.S. Pledges Support to UN Trust Fund for Resettlement of Camp Hurriya Residents, Marie Harf, Deputy Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC, October 24, 2013

[5]Associated Press, UN Iraq rep urges exile cooperation, June26, 2013

[6] NIAC, MEK leader in Paris obstructing the process to resettle members, October 4,2013

[7] UN News Center, Iraq: launching new trust fund, UN chief urges relocation of Champ Hurriya residents, October 23, 2013

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