Terrorist or Victim?!

With a little consideration, one can clearly see how happy is the terrorist MKO of possible execution of Hojjat Zamani, one of its members. At the current situation, MKO needed to introduce this as a sign for the importance of its espionage activities in the referral of Iran’s case to UN Security Council. However, the reality is that this event, which has been only reported by the MKO and its accuracy is doubted, has nothing to do with nuclear issues.

Hojjat Zamani and two of his brothers were among the people who were deployed to Iran- because of stupid plans of Rajavi to disrupt social order in Iran after the presidential elections in 1997, which led to the presidency of Seyed Mohammed Khatami- to conduct terrorist operations, attract the so-called global attention toward the MKO and overthrow the reformists, as Rajavi said.

After joining the MKO, Hojjat passed terrorist courses and in his first terrorist operation in the June of 1998, he detonated a strong bomb in Tehran’s Revolutionary Prosecution Office that killed 4 people including an Armenian Iranian (William Wigen); many others were injured in the event.

Terrorist MKO claimed responsibility for this terrorist act in a statement released on June 2, 1998:

"At around 2:00 pm Tehran time, Revolutionary Prosecution Office in downtown Tehran was destroyed by military teams of Mojahedin… ambulances could be heard in the region until hours after the explosion… before that, operational teams of the MKO left the place unhurt."

He was later in 2001 deployed to Tehran again to conduct mortaring operation, and he was arrested after his operations.

After he was arrested, there were wide range efforts to help him (by trying to get the consent of complainants) and the MKO has even pointed to this fact in its statement, released yesterday:

"In the summer of 2004, Hojjat had been sentenced to 4 times execution by the 6th chamber of unjustice reactionary court of so-called Islamic Revolution. Then, in early 2005, a chamber of Supreme Court, comprised of Mohseni Ezhei and Nabi Raji, sentenced him to two times execution and paying a full fine."

From legal point of view, this can happen only if the two complainants of the case agree to withdraw their complaints.

Anyway, the Mojahedin could make a criminal terrorist out of a rural teacher; a terrorist who didn’t care about the blood of people and the one the MKO took advantage of his blood. This is the brief fate for those trapped by the terrorist MKO; what should they be called, Terrorist or Victim?


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