MKO to launch new propaganda against Iran’s nuclear program

 Media reports said on Sunday the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) is trying hard to create obstacles in the way of Iran- 5+1 group talks by staging new round of propaganda against the Islamic Republic.

According to IRNA, the Beirut-based Al-Dayar news website reported that MKO in line with serving the interests of Zionist regime is trying to repeat its baseless allegations about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program.

Al-Dayar reported “The MKO intends to provide certain media with fake and fabricated documents about Iran’s nuclear activities.”

MKO has a track record of making similar allegations before and it had propagated against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program by claiming that the Islamic Republic is trying to gain access to nuclear weapons.

None of MKO’s allegations has been approved by an international body.

The Zionist regime’s discontent with Iran’s gaining access to a limited understanding in Geneva negotiations in recent weeks is regarded the main reason for employing MKO in the new wave of Israel’s spread of lies and fabrications.

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