The Nightmare of Diplomacy for the MKO

What’s the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) up to as the Iranian delegation and p5+1 are meeting today to resume negotiations aimed at agreeing on a comprehensive deal?

The MKO propaganda arm National Council Resistance is making efforts to prevent any possible deal between Iran and the World power as they have been doing so forever. Furthermore, to the world’s surprise the so-called revelations have never been published through the big media in the West which are more reliable to obtain intelligence information on the Iranian nuclear activities having access to the most credible spying facilities and equipments and satellites belonging to their states. Thus any new earthworks and construction, especially within a military site, would have been observed – and already been in news headlines, if this were the case. The mainstream media have had nothing to back the allegations but Only the unfounded claims of an exiled Iranian group with a mixed track record of violence and cult-like behavior.

The recent claim of the MKO PR apparatus pairs up with the Israeli fear mongering attempts to stop any deal that may lift sanctions on Iran. The Israeli Haaretz reported that the US President has briefed the Congress concerning talks in Geneva on Wednesday. "The Administration has also been talking to Jewish leaders in an effort to counteract Prime Minister Netanyahu’s arguments against the proposed agreement," added Haaretz. "Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday show yesterday, Netanyahu said that the “exceedingly bad deal” currently under discussion would only increase Iranian motivation to secure a nuclear weapons, cause the sanctions to “crumble” and inevitably lead to a “point where your only option is a military option.”[1]

Still "unmoved" by repetitive disinformation endeavors by the MKO, Reuters notified," Accusations the NCRI made in July and October about secret nuclear sites drew a wary international response, while the United States expressed skepticism about another claim in 2010." [2]

Accusations in July, October, and November along with other baseless accusation other accusations made by the MKO PR machine have often been made when MKO fear that there is a possible improvement in the relationship between Iran and the west. The improvement between the west and Iran will isolate MKO more and more. That is why they try to come up with some unfounded claims

Regarding the MKO, the world community seems sensible enough not to get trapped in  such half truths which are no more reliable than the ones from Iraq, if anybody cares to remember the allegations about WMDs made by Ahmad Chalabi.

The list of enemies of diplomacy with Islamic Republic includes Israel and Gulf States, the MKO, US based Israel lobby and Us Congress.  These enemies have so far made no bones about their opposition to diplomacy with Iran, but reportedly the three of them have been plotting to obstruct negotiations: the MKO, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. “Once the Geneva agreement is signed, the military option will be back on the table,” a diplomatic source familiar with the planning, which is said to include a joint Israeli-Saudi attack on Iran, told Sunday Times. "Both the Israeli and Saudi governments are convinced that the international talks to place limits on Tehran’s military nuclear development amount to appeasement and will do little to slow its development of a nuclear warhead," The Sunday Times report stated.[3]

On the notorious intelligence and military links between the MKO and Israel, there are numerous reports. After the assassination of the Iranian Nuclear Scientist this was unveiled and the cooperation of MKO and Mossad was verified by NBC News. The deductions came true and it the mutual services the MKO and Mossad offer one another were revealed. [4]

 The P5+1 will no doubt object to any attack following the diplomacy their diplomacy, though all those who fear the engagement with Tehran are apparently counting on their considerable lobbying powers to prevent any deal from being achieved.

By: Mazda Parsi


[1]Shalev, Chemi, U.S. sources: Iran nuclear deal includes Arak halt, uranium freeze, tough inspections, Haaretz, November 17, 2013

[2]Reuters, Iranian dissidents say Iran has built secret new nuclear site, November 18, 2013

[3] Haaretz, Sunday Times: Israel, Saudi Arabia cooperating to plan possible Iran attack, November 17, 2013

[4] Engel, Richard & Windrem, Robert, Israel teams with terror group to kill Iran’s nuclear scientists, US officials tell NBCNews, NBC, February 9, 2012

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