Israel gives financial backing to the MEK terrorist organisation

Israeli newspaper Maariv revealed that the Israeli government has promised financial assistance during the next few days to the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) terrorist organization, pointing out that some members of the leadership of the MEK reside in Israel have become clients.

An editor of the Israeli newspaper reported that one of the leading members of the MEK, who lives in Israel, met with senior officials in the intelligence service to request financial assistance, pointing out that the amount of this financial assistance was not known.

According to the Israeli press, the Israeli financial grant to the organization comes after the MEK promised to provide detailed and accurate information about Iran’s nuclear facilities, stressing that Israel had previously given financial and in-kind assistance to the organization over three stages.

The MEK’s press release some days ago contained empty information and was without basis for the existence of a secret nuclear facility in the city of Isfahan, Iran. The information, which mentioned a site called “Tbeka” from Israeli intelligence, was welcomed by some Israeli media and the American, British and French.

The article concluded that some of the members and the leadership of the MEK residing in Israel have become agents for this entity [Mossad], and are trying to do much to fanfare this information to prevent reaching an agreement between Iran and Western nations over Iran’s nuclear program at the start of the Geneva talks.

Marrive News, Tel Aviv, Arabic report by Ashraf News ,Translated by Iran Interlink

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