British MPs consider the MKO terrorist

Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, who was heading a parliamentary delegation during a three-day visit to Iran, had a press conference in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, January 8.

To answer a question on the support for the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) and its terror acts by the British Government, Jack Straw said that when in 2009 he was the UK Justice Minister, he passed legislation based on which the MKO was outlawed in  Britain and was considered a terrorist entity.

”The MKO is a terrorist organization", he added. After the MKO was listed as a terrorist group in 2009, the group petitioned its case to the appeal court and ultimately the court ordered its delisting.

 The UK delegation also visited a number of families of terror victims killed by terrorist groups, such as Mujahedin khalq on Thursday. The son of one of the victims of the MKO asked the UK officials to return the MKO to the list of terrorist groups.

Families of assassinated nuclear scientists asked the British MPs to tie bans on trafficking of the MKO terrorists in Europe.

Jack Straw confirmed that the UK government condemned any form of terrorism. "The British government has condemned the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientists", he said.

Ben wallace another member of the UK parliamentarian delegation spoke of the probability of relisting of the MKO as a terror group.

The Britain-Iran Parliamentary Friendship Group seeks better relations with Iran. The delegates met with counterparts from the Iranian Majlis.

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