Open letter to Mrs. Dana M Popa, Romania

Dear Mrs Popa,

by your home page – -, we took notice of the „Comitetul Parlamentarilor Romani Pentru Iranul Liber“. As an Iranian-exile-association from Germany, we also campaign for human rights and democracy in Iran.

However it is conspicuous, that the statements and reports on your home page nearly exclusively deal with the well known claims and demands of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (MEK/MKO/PMOI).

The MEK has no political significance inside Iran and is not the right way forward to get involved with a free and democratic Iran.

Similar to the other European support-organizations, like the „Deutsch Solidaritätskommitee für einen freien Iran (DSFI)“, „The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom“ – – or „Friends of a Free Iran“ in the European Parliament, the „Comitetul Parlamentarilor Romani Pentru Iranul Liber“ seem to be just another lobby-organization and mouthpiece of the MEK.

Such a commitment only aids the MEK and not the people inside Iran.

A first step showing real humanitarian commitment could be, urging the Romanian government to take some refugees from Camp Liberty and save them from further attacks.

In contrast the MEK at any cost tries to keep their members together, to easier indoctrinate and control them. At the moment the Liberty-residents pay the price of permanent fear of further attacks and deaths.

The fact, that again and again European politicians feel up to disseminate those contradictory and escapist demands of the MEK without reflecting about seem to militate for the PR and lobbying of the MEK.

With such a blind commitment you run the risk of losing your political credibility as some European politicians hat to learn already.

For much background information about the lobbying of the MEK, please contact us.

With best regards,

AAWA Association e.V.

Dipl. Ing. Ali Akbar Rastgou



-1 ‌Romeo Florin Nicoara

2-Maria Grecea

3-Titus Pasca

4-Elena -Ramona Uioreanu

5 -Ben-Oni Ardelean

6-Rozalia Ibilya Brio

7-Mario-Ovidio Oprea

8-Ovidiu-Ioan Dumitru

Ali Akbar Rastgou, Aawa Association, Germany

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