While the French try to expel MKO, US changes law to save their terrorist cult

[Iran Interlink: ] On 26th January a demonstration and picket was organised in front of the mayor’s office in Auvers sur Oise, just outside Paris, demanding the expulsion of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq organisation from the country. At first, the mayor, who is a long term supporter of the MEK, tried to stop the picket. But he soon backed off when he realised there were many local dignitaries among the protestors. He then tried to play it down and act innocent about the MEK’s presence. Demonstrators carried placards and banners and distributed leaflets pointing out the past and present violent nature of the MEK in Iran, Iraq and the EU including France. The Peace Association, a French association, has gained momentum since then and many French citizens have joined since the picket at Auvers and it has become a nationwide movement as French people are becoming more and more aware of the dangers of having this group on their soil, particularly as the MEK is now being expelled from Iraq, and the French do not want their headquarters in their country. The demonstrators were confronted by aggressive MEK security members who issued death threats and violence. Police are investigating several complaints.

In another development, Obama has announced that he will use his CEO powers to bypass others in order to allow the likes of the MEK and Al Qaida to gain visas and freedom of movement to his country. News before this suggested that the Americans were bending over backwards to find a closed camp in Romania to replace Camp Liberty in Iraq so that the MEK can be kept together. The UN, which is in charge of this issue, has announced that the problem with moving this group out of Iraq is the insistence of the MEK leaders and their backers on keeping the group intact and their refusal to recognise the individual rights of the members. Journalist Mark Glenn had an interview with Press TV which exposes the dark side of this decision by the US Administration.

Obama use of CEO powers, a dark question mark: journalist

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Glenn, author and journalist, Idaho about President Obama using his executive powers to ease rules for potential asylum seekers in the US who support or fond of terrorist groups.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: I’d like to get your views on this recent decision, which in a way gives asylum and refuge to those complicit with terrorist organizations.

Glenn: Well, I think we can be rest assured that this is going to be a case of selective decision making in terms of who’s allowed in and who isn’t.

Certainly anybody who had given any kind of support to Hezbollah or Hamas or to any groups that are deemed the wrong type of terrorists as far as American foreign policy and of course Israel’s designs in the Middle East are concerned will not be given asylum. That’s the first thing to know.

The second thing, obviously as you pointed out in your run-up to the question, organizations such as the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MKO), to al-Qaeda and to all of these other groups, the United States has been supporting in terms of material, in terms of training, funding and all the rest of it.

This is a very dark question mark that is left on this equation here as to why Barack Obama at this point would actually be circumventing the power of Congress and using executive orders in order to bring something like this about, given the fact that the United States now because of its direct support for terrorist groups such as those operating in Syria, I cannot imagine something like this is going to augur well for the American people.

Press TV: There is also as some observers of this situation see a bit of inconsistency with the United States’ decisions of this sort. I recall just a few weeks back, high-ranking intelligence officials expressed concern about insurgents and those who are involved in insurgency for example overseas in Syria would actually be a threat to national security and US citizens on their soil – and now this.

Glenn: Exactly.

We had not only the Director of the FBI, but also the head of national intelligence I believe who was test-firing in front of Congress saying that these groups in Syria posed a direct threat to the national security of the United States.

And now we have the president himself threatening to use his powers as Chief Executive Officer of the United States to allow those who supported these people into the country.

At this point as I said, we don’t know exactly what the secondary ramifications of this are and what these people are planning to do in bringing about political decisions like this, but it certainly cannot be good.

Press TV, February 11 2014

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