Massoud Rajavi panics over new revelations

The new message of the leader of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Massoud Rajavi granted an opportunity to former members of the cult-like group to denounce their former leader and his cult once again.   Massoud Rajavi tried in vain to demonize his former followers –now critics.

In spite of severe mind-control system ruling" the cult of Rajavi", the defection process has not stopped.  Perhaps the most frustrating stage of defection –for Massoud Rajavi– took place in Tirana, Albania where out of 210 individuals transferred from Camp Liberty, 75 left the group hegemony.  These newly released individuals who are now experiencing the life in a free world in the absence of the cult control.

In an Open Letter dated January 21 addressed to Jane Holl Lute, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General for the Relocation of Camp Hurriya (aka Liberty) Residents Outside of Iraq, fifty nine former MEK members asked her to help the people in Iraq and in Albania. They emphatically asked her to bypass the MEK leaders because they are the problem and not part of the solution.

The human action by ex-members of the MKO is immediately faced with the group’s hasty reaction. According to Iran interlink,  Several Iranian residents in Europe who have contact with their friends in Tirana are now reporting that the MKO agents are exerting huge pressure on the disaffected members, who have been moved to another building block, to sign a petition against these fifty nine people and denounce them as “agents of the regime". The MKO agents make efforts to buy the recently defected individuals in Albania back to the cult.  Except for a few who have money from their families the rest must rely either on $200 per month from the UNHCR or alternatively the MEK will give them $500 per month on condition they work on the internet (to promote the MEK) and not work against them in any way. They threaten the refugees to death if they do not cooperate with them.

The panic of collapse is also evidently seen in the new message of the cult leader Massoud Rajavi.  He runs a torrent of fabrications against former members.  Along with its cult guru the MKO’s propaganda begins a campaign of accusations against former members. The group’s so-called National Council of Resistance published an announcement to propagate its misinformation about a number of ex-members labeling them as the agents of the Iranian Intelligence Ministry in Iraq.

Actually, a large number of defectors of the MKO are currently active critics of the group.  Enjoying the free world they have access to the Internet.  They run their own websites and weblogs and use different media including online social networks to denounce the cult and its leaders.  Having experienced the horrible life of the cult and witnessed the atrocities of the group leaders against its own members, Iranian country men, and Iraqi Kurds and Shiites.

The new MKO’s flood of accusations against defectors and critics has no use except a tool to threat other members who are still taken as hostages behind the bars of the cult.  All these allegations and accusations are made to give a lesson to the other hostages of the consequences of leaving the cult.  In fact, the target audience of the MKO propaganda particularly in Farsi and the alleged messages of Rajavi are exclusively for the brainwashed followers and a few misled sympathizers of the cult.

As a matter of fact, the MKO misinformation has another outcome too; it provokes ex-members to get more active in exposing the true substance of the cult. Most defectors who are residing in Iraq or Albania have been interviewed by UN monitors.  One of these people is Ali Khatami who currently resides in Hotel Mohajer  (where the MKO propaganda claims to be the base of the Iranian Intelligence agent) after recently escaping the MEK camp.  Khatami has told Iran interlink that all he has said against Massoud and Maryam Rajavi can be proved.  He referred to Ms.  Jane Holl Lute’s visit to Hotel Mohajer. " Along with her assistant [she] visited the ex members and wrote down everything we said and promised she would have more frequent contact with us as part of her work,"  Iran interlink quoted Khatami. “Rajavi may think she came here because we are more important, but the truth is, she came here because we are free and accessible.  She cannot access and talk freely with people inside Camp Liberty without the presence of Rajavi’s henchmen. UNAMI [in its Half Yearly Report on Human Rights – January to June 2013] clearly describes the various obstructive behavior of the MEK and that is why Jane Holl Lute had to come to us."

Today, the MKO defectors seem to be determined to help release their former comrades.  This is an effective tool in order to break through the bars of the cult, meanwhile a horrible nightmare for the MKO leaders who are struggling hard to survive.

Mazda Parsi

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