No doubt on MKO-Israel collusion to kill Iranian Scientists

A few weeks ago the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani slammed the West for assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists in a bid to halt Iran’s process of development and progress although Western powers "all know that nuclear science in Iran follows a peaceful path". Almost at the same time Russia Today revealed that the Obama Administration is pressuring Israel to stop carrying out assassinations of top nuclear scientists in Iran where Mujahedin Khalq Organization has been Mossad’s proxy force to execute the killings.

struggle against Islamic Republic. Therefore, the group had to be more cautious in its collaboration with the enemies of the Iranian government.

The MKO-Israel alliance apparently began in 2002 when the group allegedly revealed the Israeli intelligence material on the Iranian nuclear program. Gareth Porter the American journalist and historian, has been investigating the Iranian nuclear case for the best part of a decade. Porter revealed in an interview last year with Former senior German foreign office official Karsten Voigt for his newly-published book on the Iranian Nuclear issue " Manufactured Crisis " that senior officials of the German intelligence agency BND had told him in November 2004 that " the BND had gotten the entire collection of documents from a member of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) who had been one of their sources, and that they did not consider the source to be reliable."[1]

Both Israel and the MKO have seen advantage in dramatizing the Iranian threat and in demonizing Iranian government. Thus the MKO has turned in to a tactical clandestine ally for Israel that already had its own strategic ally the United States. The triple alliance of the MKO, Israel, and America to run their political interests has ended with fabricating documents about what they call "Iranian nuclear weapon program". Therefore, their assessments do not seem to be rational, objective, and reliable. That is definitely why the US has refused to share with Iran the documentary evidence on which those allegations have been based – the documents handed to German officials by the MKO but originally provided by Israel.

"The MEK, considered by the United States and European states as a terrorist organization, had been used by Saddam Hussein’s regime to support the war against Iran and by Israel to issue intelligence and propaganda that Mossad did not want attributed to it," Porter writes.[2]

Mossad –MKO link has had more disastrous consequences for Iranian nation. At least five Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated since 2007, with men on motorcycles sticking magnetically attachable bombs to their victims’ cars. As Russia Today puts, "No Israeli national has ever been arrested in collusion with the targeted assassination program, which is reportedly intended to thwart advances in Iran’s nuclear program and dissuade Iran’s best and brightest from working in the sphere."[] So who is the Israeli arm in Iran?

Russia Today suggests that an NBC News report in 2012 concluded that "deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service."[3] As a matter of fact, the most violent background of terror belongs to the MKO as an Iranian dissident group. The NBC report cited two senior Obama administration officials as confirming that Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) is behind the killings, though the officials denied the US played any role in the program. [4]

The MEK has denied colluding with Israel, though Israeli officials have confirmed links between MEK and Israeli intelligence. In  January 2012, after the killing of a fourth Iranian scientist, Mustafe Ahmadi Roshan, Richard Silverstein the American  Jewish blogger and journalist revealed, " A confidential source who is a former Israeli cabinet minister and senior IDF officer, confirms today’s murder was the work of the Mossad and MEK, as have been a number of previous operations I’ve reported ."[5]

Today Israeli sources completely admit their role in killing Iranian scientists. President Barack Obama is pressuring Israel to stop carrying out assassinations of top nuclear scientists in Iran as the Islamic Republic continues its negotiations with world powers over its uranium enrichment program, according to a book written by sources close to Israeli Intelligence.

Apart from pressure from Washington that Israel give up the assassination program, the co-author of the book says," Mossad itself viewed the campaign as too dangerous to continue."[6]

It sounds that the MKO’s expiration date for Israel is coming soon.

Mazda parsi


[1]Porter,Gareth, US Blocks Release of Iran Nuke Papers  ,,March2, 2014


[3] Russia Today, Obama pushes Israel to stop assassinations of Iran nuclear scientists – report,March2, 2014


[5] Silverstein, Richard, Israeli Source: Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Joint Mossad-MEK Operation, Tikun Olam, January 13, 2012

[6] Russia Today, Obama pushes Israel to stop assassinations of Iran nuclear scientists – report,March2, 2014

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