US fast losing friends

Confronted in Crimea, and threatening economic sanctions against Russia, America is fast losing friends elsewhere as well. Especially after the famous US investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, reported training camps had been set up in the Nevada desert for the terrorist outfit, Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MKO).

“MKO subscribes to an ideology that is a curious amalgam of Marxism and Islamism, both of which should be anathema to the US in terms of its professed high values. But then, in real life politics comes first”. And, the inconsistency is that the MKO “also happens to be listed by the US state department as a ‘terrorist’ organization. So, what ‘terrorism’ is to State Secretary Hillary Clinton becomes a key instrument of US policy for CIA boss General David Petraeus”, writes a leading US daily

“Hersh’s sensational disclosure comes at a time when the Barack Obama administration, which is dissimulating interest in constructively engaging Tehran in talks – so that the blame falls on Iran if the talks don’t succeed. Hersh dissipates the spin consistently given by successive US establishments that Washington has been craving for peace with Teheran but the Islamic regime has been obdurate”, the newspaper shockingly adds.

With this story gaining momentum worldwide, an already wary Pakistan must be thinking hard on what is actually transpiring on its north-western border. The mystery may unveil when and if Raymond Davis, the former CIA operative in Pakistan (who shot dead two Pakistani intelligence ‘tails’ through the windscreen of his car on a busy street), decides to pen his story.

The question being asked today is whether or not the US, or its military arm NATO, is terrorism main sponsor. It thus comes as no surprise that no country from Russia to Afghanistan and even beyond, wants the establishment of US or NATO bases in close proximity to them.

By Zahid Kramet, Lahoredispatch

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