A Report from Tirana

According to reports, the disastrous situation of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) in Albania has exasperated Maryam Rajavi. She has dispatched several high-ranking members of the group to Tirana to hold meetings to chastise Javad Khorasan who is the responsible to protect the organizational relations of the MKO in Tirana and to reprimand him and his peers for their inefficiency.

The MKO is making efforts to regroup members in Tirana by any means but the New Year’s party that was held in the MKO’s apartment was not welcomed by defectors. The group failed to wipe off the crimes and deceptions committed in the cult-like dictatorship from the minds of defected members.

The few people, who attended the ceremony, left the building after half an hour. They had gone there mostly to get news of the insiders. In Tirana, General policy of the MKO is based on recruiting disaffected members by offering them financial support. Despite the MKO’s efforts, defectors of the group are in no way willing to get back in the cult’s structure. A few members have to receive the monthly payment of the MKO because they can hardly ever afford to make a living with the sum that the HCR pays them every month.

In addition, the HCR has got to know about the MKO’s propaganda to deceive the UN officials and also disassociated members so it took an appropriate action to hold Nowruz celebration for defected individuals.

The party was held in a restaurant near TEG a shopping center in Tirana on Monday, March24. Ex-members had a very fun day in the HCR-held Nowruz fest that lasted about 5 hours.

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