I am Ali Jahani one of the victims and critic of the Terrorist cult of Rajavi. I have lost twenty years of my life in this cult and having been able to release myself from it, now live in Europe.
I would like to congratulate you from bottom of my heart upon your election as new Mayor of Auvers-Sur-Oise and wish you success in your objectives.
Dear Mayor
I fully support your election slogan, that the ex-Mayor has badly damaged the reputation of your beautiful town by supporting the Rajavi Terrorists that has used Auvers Sur Oise as a base for terrorist activities.
As you know, Mojahedin headquarter is in your town, and they are intending to transfer Auvers Sur Oise to a new barracks after leaving the Camp Ashraf in Iraq. Of course the supports of the ex-Mayor had given them an open hand in this line. I hope that you will prevent them from transferring Auvers-Sur-Oise to a Military barrack to further damaging your town.
Dear Mayor
Mojahedin has long left a political entity, and are transferred to a full cult by the Rajavi couple. At the time of Saddam Hussain, Iraq dictator, they were fully supported by him and committed many terrorist acts in Iran and also against the Iraqi Kurds and Shiites to help Saddam. They have also been involved in killing the Iranian soldiers during the Iran and Iraq war.
Although, Mojahedin claim to be democratic and freedom lovers, they physically suppress their members and their opponents and do not tolerate any critics. In this respect we and many French people have been witness to how they attack the peaceful actions of their ex-members in revealing Mojahedin atrocities, by sending club wielders from Auvers-Sur-Oise in Paris. Where several people were beaten by the club wielders sent from Auver s Sur Oise.
Mojahedin also claim to support womens freedom, but in their cult they forced them to divorce their spouse and took their children from them and later were sexually assaulted by Rajavi himself.
While they pretend to support human rights, deceives the European people humanitarian feelings especially of the people of Auvers-Sur-Oise to gain support to cover up their atrocities inside their cult. They don’t allow the parents or the children to meet each other. They use children in military operations. They jail and torture their critics inside their cult. All this resembles that they have no support inside Iran and within the opposition outside Iran.
Dear Mayor
At the end I would like to wish success, and hope that you can stop this terrorist cult from transforming Auvers-Sur-Oise to a new barrack like the one in Iraq.
Sincerely yours
Ali Jahani, Iran Pen Association (Iran Ghalam),