Abbaslou; Interview with Radio Farda

According to the news agencies, Bulgarian forces have taken the control of Camp Ashraf, 60 miles north of Baghdad, since a week ago. This camp houses nearly 2000 MKO remnants in Iraq who have been supervised by Americans after Iraq war. Last week, a former member of the MKO, Mohsen Abbaslou who has escaped from Iraq, took part in a press conference and talked about difficult situation of MKO remnants in Camp Ashraf and the violation of human rights by this organization.

In an interview with Radio Farda’s Ali Sajjadi, he referred to his membership in the MKO and said: "if a window is opened to the outside world, all MKO members would leave and 100 would barely remain."

MKO announced that Mr. Abbaslou has never been a member of the organization and that he had been expelled to the US-run camp (next to Camp Ashraf). State Department lists MKO as a FTO.

"Remaining members in MKO camp have no hope for future," Abbaslou says.

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