Turning Ashraf to Terorrists Township

Iraqi constitution stopped the terrorist plots of MKO.

Terrorist MKO conducted ugly operations in Iraq for many years and today, it is using Camp Ashraf again as a place for performing suspicious plots by cooperating with US forces.

Since the organization has inured to planning and performing treacherous ideas, it is not able to survive independently. Therefore, it goes from the shade of one regime to that of another and in such a situation, it can put to practice its evil plans.

The presence of this organization in Iraq is a threat for international regulations. This organization, which Iraqis have asked for expulsion of, has been given the status to remain in Iraq and to perform its plans against our nation.

We don’t know who’s granted the right of Camp Ashraf’s independence to this organization? It seems as if this organization is not in its own soil instead of Iraq!

About the presence of this organization in Iraq and misusing this sacred soil to create a military township, we talked to Dr. Mohsen Jom’e, professor of international law. He says:

"Occupation of Iraqi lands by the MKO after the expulsion order was issued for this group is clearly breach of law. Our law allows those who are given political refugee status to establish a camp fro settlement and this can be done only with the permission of government. But their refugee status has been canceled due to the decision of Iraqi government.

Therefore, the presence of this organization is against the will of our government and is in contradiction with the regulations of granting refugee status to refugees."

Dr. Hassan adds:

"This group’s misuse of Iraqi soil and also plundering the revenues of the country are in contradiction with law, and Iraqi government should do something to stop breaching of law".

In this regard, professor and lawyer Riadh Sa’doon, says:

"The presence of this organization in Iraq after the decision of interim government is against the law; it’s an illegal presence. This organization has not the right to misuse Iraq’s pure land and it shouldn’t establish its military camps here. Therefore, the presence of the group in Iraq is illegal and is against all international regulations.

You know that this organization uses the subsidies considered for Iraqi citizens and this has surprised political observers. We have documents showing the group sent a letter to the Trade Ministry, asking for its share of subsidies during past months. This organization has killed the children of this nation and is now using their services! It has gone even further; we were informed that the power of the camp Ashraf is never cut and its members use refined water with the budget of Iraqis. But what is happening inside Camp Ashraf is a crime against our nation.

This organization has committed the worst kinds of crimes against our nation and today, they interfere in our internal affairs. For instance, they have rejected and condemned our constitution and have asked for major changes in some articles of the constitution. Now the question is that who has given this organization the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs? Constitution has been designed to bring stability and security for people but the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq doesn’t want the people of Iraq to experience stability and security; it always creates chaos.

Today, the presence of Mojahedin-e Khalq in Iraq is a threat for security and stability of this country. This is exactly what has been considered by legislators in the constitution to put an end to the presence of criminals in Iraq.

This organization has well understood the meaning of this article in the constitution; its leaders know the fate of terrorist organization, including their own group. After years of appearing as the executioner, the organization is now appearing as a victim.

Iraqi constitution has not allowed the country to become a safe haven for this terrorist organization; the constitution has blown the ugly plots of terrorist MKO. The constitution says that Iraq won’t be a haven for this terrorist organization".

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