MKO Supports Terror in Tasuki

Following the terrorist action in Tasuki (on the road from Zabol to Zahedan), in which 21 were killed and 7 others injured, Iranliberty website which belongs to the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq and is run by Mansoor Ghadrkhah (member of MKO council), supported this terrorist act by releasing a statement and called "revolutionary forces" those who conducted it.

In their website, MKO members published Sattar Laghayee’s article, which read:

"Mullah’s governor as well as Basiji and secret agents have been revolutionary executed in atonement for the blood of thousands of Iranian youths. Heroes who can’t stand the situation anymore, after the killing of Iranian elites in the horrible prisons of Mullah’s Oligarchy, have rebelled against criminal mullahs. Mercenary news agencies called them "anti-revolutionary"? Don’t they really know the difference of "revolutionary" and "anti-revolutionary"?"

Terrorist organization of Mujahideen-e Khalq, supporting the acts of these terrorist separatist groups, threatens of spreading such terrorist operations in the next year and says:

"This year was a good year for Mullah’s Oligarchy but the worst remains to come in the next year…what has happened is only a small part of Mullah’s problems".

Earlier also, terrorist MKO approved the acts of murderers in Ahwaz and, by condemning their execution, tried to buy credit for itself in front of its masters.

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