The dangerous side of the MKO rally in Villepinte

Members and sympathizers of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) together with thousands of paid non-Iranians gathered in Villepinte, Paris on June27, 2014.

Peace Association, which operates against violence and sectarian practices was invited to the event by a British body affiliated to the MKO.

Peace Association was previously accused by the MKO of working for the Iranian Intelligence Ministry after it had held a demonstration against the group in Ouver sur d’Oise, Paris!

The Association stated that it attended the MKO gathering in Villepinte to closely examine the true face of the cut-like group. “Peace Association is here in Villepinte , near its critics, in order to reveal the fraudulent fake show of the MKO,” reported Peace Association.

The Association suggested that the invitation was sent to them as actually a trap.

By the way, members of the Peace Association arrived in the gathering. They took photos and filmed the event before they were come across and beaten by the MKO agents.

“As you see, the hall is full of foreigners from Eastern Europe, homeless people, the Arabs, Chinese refugees…A few Iranians are seen,” reports Peace Association.

The invited members of Peace speak of tourists who are wondering inside and outside the hall!

“They are invited for a show, for deception and Lie!", the association wrote.

The tourists who are bused to the hall are not allowed to leave it before the event ends.

Peace Association notices a list of former French politicians who attended and/or addressed the gathering.

Attendees from Peace Association use the opportunity to denounce the terrorist Cult of Rajavi in the proper place for its pro-democracy show but they are faced with the harsh reaction of a dozen of MKO agents who beat them and force them to leave the hall.

The MKO Agents snatch their cameras and smash them. Chasing their cars they damage them. According to Peace Association the damage the MKO agents inflicted to their cars mounts to 10 thousands Euros!

“This is the true face of the MKO!”, concludes the Peace Association.

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