Press TV to air documentary on MKO leader’s sexual exploitation of female members

Three women speak about their dark secret past;

They are former members of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) who have revealed shocking stories about the leaders of the terrorist cult. According to these women, all female members of the MKO were sexually abused by MKO leader Masoud Rajavi. “Comrades in Arms” is the title of a documentary which is to be aired soon on Press TV. The film that was debuted in the presence of Iranian filmmakers as well as former MKO members, investigates the sexual slavery of women and the unlawful affairs of Masouj Rajavi with female members of the cult. According to this documentary, anyone who refused Rajavi’s sexual demands would be killed. Also the three former female members narrate how couple members were forced to divorce only to be accepted into Rajavi’s circle of comrades. The MKO fled Iran in 1986 for Iraq, where it received the backing of Iraq’s executed dictator Saddam Hussein and set up a camp near the Iranian border. The terrorist group also sided with Saddam during Iraq’s eight-year imposed war on the Islamic Republic in 1980-1988 and the massacre of Shiites and Kurds during Iraq’s uprising in 1991. The MKO is listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community but there is no end in sight for its terrorist operations against the Iranian nation.

Saman Kojouri,

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